Normal Day

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After the reunion with the Danvers siblings and of course Maggie things have being going extremely well for all of them.Edward and Maggie have been working together on most of their cases and are in good terms while Edward's and Alex's relationship are good too but Kara was in pain still remembering Lena and always tried to hide her pain with a smile or also occupying herself with other supergirl duties or other reporting duties.

(In CAT.CO office)
Everyone is being rushing around here and there while Kara entered the office and was confuse on what is happening of course she had heard that some rich person has brought CAT.CO which had made her worried because Miss Cat won't be there anymore because she had always helped Kara no matter what and it was always true that Miss Cat had a crush on the reporter which Kara hadn't notice but Karas thoughts  was interrupted  by James

"Morning Kara you ok there,"asked James

"Hey morning James,yeah I'm fine by the way what's up with the office atmosphere,?"asked Kara

"Ohh well You do remember that CAT.CO has being brought by someone else right,?"replied James

"Yeah I heard that but why the rushing here and there as if it's the last day of the world,!"replied Kara

"Well the new CEO is coming today to address us all and she will be here mostly 24/7 ,"replied James

"Wait did you say the CEO is a she and do you have any idea who this she is?"asked Kara knowing that James is hiding something from her

"Well you see you'll have to find out yourself and Kara I think you just have to endure this for a while and please be nice,"replied James while scratching his neck because he was nervous

Kara was about to speak when someone cleared their throat to gain all their attention.
Kara was really having a thought that maybe her day won't be fine like the rest and just then she saw the person who she haven't seen for a long time and thought to herself that could this day go any worse while turning towards James and giving him a look

Lenas POV
I was nervous to even go In front of the CAT.CO because I had to face Kara again.
While Maya my assistant cleared her throat to gain the attention of the workers I was still looking for Kara because I couldn't see her just then I saw her come in with Mr James she still looked beautiful and when our eyes met i couldnt help but saw anger and pain in her eyes then she looked away to look at James.It hurt to see that Kara had to look away and it hurts to remember all what she had said to Kara after the incident but she had to remind herself that they both had moved on and Lena was Karas boss now.Just than Lenas thoughts were being interrupted by her assistant to say a few things

Karas POV
"Well thank you all for meeting with me this pleasant morning and yes I have brought this company since it was in trouble so I'll be here mostly all the time but I do need all your support in order to make this company work and be successful and beside as most of you know who I am yes I'm Lena Luthor so I expect proper working procedure to be followed and articles are being submitted on time and that's all thank you for your attention,"Lena said and smiled then she looked at me again while I stared at her and then I turned my back and went to my office not wanting to stay in the same room as her.

Lenas POV
After I said my speech I turned my attention towards Kara who was looking at me I shot her a smile but she just forced a smile then turned her back on me and went back towards her office.It hurts to see that Kara is ignoring me but I  had to treat her like an employee and not as her friend.

No ones POV
Karas day was going as good as it is and she has been trying her best to ignore Lena as much as possible because she didnt want to remember all those memories she had but lucky it was lunch and Edward decided to take Kara out for lunch.

Edward arrived at the CAT.CO and he went to look for Karas office.He was still looking around when his eyes suddenly landed on Kara but she was turning her back on him so he went towards Kara and put his hands over Karas face to hide her eyes from not looking at him what Edward did not know that Lena and James were both looking from the CEOs office and staring at both of them.

"Guess who?"asked Edward

"Let me guess is it my little handsome brother,"asked Kara

"Yes it me you are mine ,"said Edward while hugging Kara

"Edward what are you doing here and aren't you suppose to be at work,?"asked Kara

"Well if I'm not wrong it's lunch time and what has got you so moody ,?"asked Edward

"I'm sorry it's just a long day and my office day is worse now, "replied Kara

"Ok  i know it's none of my business but why are both of your ex's staring at me as if im a meat and why are they here mostly lena,?"asked Edward making Kara laugh

"Well why don't we go for lunch than I'll tell you everything and thank you for saving me from this place,"said Kara than giving a kiss on Edwards cheek then they both head out of the office

On the other side Lena was heart broken seeing Kara has moved on and she wanted to cry but she kept telling herself that she was a Luthor and a Luthor doesn't show emotions but little did she know that Edward was Karas younger brother.

Kara and Edward had lunched and they managed to talk about their office work and Edward was feeling sad that Lena was the new boss of his sister and also it reminds her of all the memories and after lunch Edward decided to drop Kara back to the office

"Kara will you be ok,?"asked Edward

"Yes I will be but hey she is my boss and nothing else ok and don't worry about me ok,"replied Kara

"Just tell me if something happens ok I'll be here to kick some ass ok,"replied Edward making Kara laugh and happy that she had Edward and ALEX and Maggie.After that she kissed Edwards cheek and left for the office little did she knew that Lena was staring at her and Edward the whole time

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