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Kara's POV
I was awoken by Ian's cries   as Jade tried to get up as I held her hand as I looked at the time and it read 5:30 am.

"I'll go get him,!"I said as she shook her head as I smiled

"Get some sleep,I'll be ok,"I said as I kissed her forehead as she laid back to sleep as I made my way to Ian's room as he was crying as I went towards him as soon as he saw me he stopped crying as I smiled

"Hey baby boy what's wrong,?"I said as I carried him onto my arms as he was trying to bite my shirt as I knew he was hungry as we made our way to the kitchen as I laid him down on the mat as he started  to play with his toys as I heated up his bottled of milk.I waited  for awhile till it was ready as i looked at him.

"Hey buddy you hungry.,!"I asked as I showed him his feeding bottle as he clapped his hands as I smiled carrying him back into my arms as we made our way back to my room as i laid him onto the bed as I fed him.After a while he finished his drink and now was fast asleep as I smiled at him as Jade turned around and saw Ian already fast alseep

"Let me guess he was hungry,!"Jade said as I nodded my head

"Yep ,"I said

"Babe you know we still have an hour to sleep right,?"she said as I nodded my head as slowly I got onto the bed as Ian laid in the middle as Jade laid on the left side of the bed while I laid on the right right as slowly I drifted back to sleep .

Jade's POV
I was awoken by my alarm as I slowly stretched as I saw Kara and Ian still sleeping.
Ian was clinging onto the both of us as one  of his tiny hands was wrapped around Kara's shirt and the other on mine as I smiled.

I slowly removed his hand as I got off bed and went to my morning routine as also decided to freshen up and make breakfast.
I finished making breakfast when I felt a presence behind me as i immediately disappeared as the person fell onto the floor as I reappeared and saw Diana on  the floor as I chuckled

"That was not cool,!"Diana whined as I smirked

"Says the one who crept behind me and tried to scare me,"I replied as she rolled her eyes as she got up as she sat on the stool

"Where's baby daddy,?"Diana said as she smirked

"Firstly Kara is a girl and secondly she's asleep,"I said as she smirked

"Well she was the one who...!"Diana was cut of when I threw a piece of bread on her as she caught it

"Diana could you wake Kara up since you have nothing to do please,?"I asked as she scoffed

"Woman can't you see I'm eating and that's what I'm doing,"Diana said as I rolled my eyes

"Ok you either wake her up or wake Susan up its your choice,!"I said with a smirk as her eyes widen

"I'll wake Kara up since I'm definitely not doing anything since Susan can wake herself up I guess ,"she said as she walked away as I smirked

"Remind me again on  how you manage to bully a warrior princess aka demi goddess,?"Susan said as she came into the room as i smiled

"Well good morning to you as well,!"I said as I handed her share of breakfast as Diana came back in with Ian on her arms along with Kara who was now all ready

"See I woke her up,!"Diana said with a proud smile as Kara scoffs

"I was already awake when you came into the room all you had to do was to carry  Ian,"Kara said as Diana's smile fell as she pouted

"I'm just gonna ignore that you said that,"Diana said as she handed me Ian as he was full smiling

"Hey baby boy,how are you,?"I said in my baby voice as Ian smiled

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