Rise and Face them

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Kara woke up due to the alarm which set across her bed making those crazy annoying sound which made her fall of bed.Kara woke up and got cleaned and had breakfast while she had a knock on her door.She went over and opened the door revealing Alex and Maggie

"Morning little Danvers,"said Maggie with a warm smile on her face and went over and hugged Kara and kissed her cheek

"Morning Maggie and Alex,"replied Kara

"So you up early in the morning,"asked Alex

"Yeah I'm surprised myself plus I have to go and interview Miss Luthor on the new alien device or else Snapper will have my head as his lunch,"replied Kara with an annoyed tone

"Hey you ok with it Little Danvers,"asked Maggie remembering what had happened between Kara and Lena

"Yeah I'm fine every time I interview her its simply straight to the point and leave that's all,"replied Kara

"I'm proud of you besides yummy pancakes,"said Alex who was busy enjoying her breakfast.

"Hihi,yeah I learnt it through the web and thank you and what brings you two early here,"asked Kara raising an eyebrow

"Well nothing just checking up on you and besides Maggie has to go to the airport to pick up something while I have to go to the DEO to check up on things as usual,"replied Alex

"Well you two enjoy your day while I gotta run,"replied Kara.Leaving Alex and Maggie in her apartment after a while of having breakfast they also departed to their various task ahead of them.

Kara reached the office just on time and was doing some paper work when Snapper called her and ask her to go and interview Miss Luthor on the new device.

At L-Corp
After a while of making it to L-Corp she waited for her assistant to check on Lena and was ready for interview.After a while of waiting patiently Kara was been told to make her way to the office of the CEO.
Kara was nervous but she serious on the point she made to Maggie about being professional about it.Kara knocked at the door and waited for a response

"Come in please,"replied Lena

Kara came in and went straight to business

"Miss Luthor thank you for making time for this interview,"said Kara making eye contact with Lena

Lena regretted the way Kara was calling her as Miss Luthor and not  as Lena as it used to be before.

"No problem Miss Danvers,"said Lena

Kara started asking questions about the device and Lena was in pain on why it was that she lost her only friend and also her love after the argument 2 years ago.After a while of asking the question and Kara thanked Lena  for her time and she went out of the office and never turned back.

After the interview Kara went back to the office and managed to finish her her article on time and lucky everything was under control at the DEO .
It was sharp five o clock when Kara finished her work and went straight to her apartment where she felt something unusual.When she entered her apartment she was being attacked from backwards where she and her opponent started fighting where Kara ended down on the floor .

"Haha finally you lost," said the voice

Kara immediately recognized the voice and turned around to see her small brother infornt of her.

"Edward its you,"yelled Kara

Kara ran over to the young brother who was tall with a light complexion and very muscular with blonde hair and blue eyes as same as Kara.Kara hugged her brother and cried because it was after many years then she saw her brother again.Kara punched her brother's stomach playfully.

"Ouch what was that for,"asked Edward

"That was for scaring the hell out of me and kicking my ass and what are you doing here,aren't you suppose to be here tomorrow? ,"asked Kara

"Hey if I had to surprise my elder sister I had to also surprise my other sister, "replied Edward

"Haha I'm touched and beside I'm happy you had done that,"said Kara

Kara and Edward started to talk on everything and also Edward told Kara about his accident with a fight with a girl who was Maggie but doesn't know that he was talking about his sister in law at all on fighting about the same suitcase which was Alex's favourite colour and their fight got sought out .
Edward had also asked Kara if she could help him surprise their elder sister ..

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