Surprising The Eldest Danvers

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The day started off in a good all day routine but Kara had her younger brother with her in her apartment after a long time.Edward was still sleeping while Kara made breakfast and had to take care of some things in the DEO about a lose alien but it was taken care of so Kara made her way back to her apartment and when she reached her apartment she saw her younger brother in the kitchen counter having breakfast.

"Morning Eddie,"said Kara and made her way to Edward and giving him a warm hug

"Morning Kara ,early duty?,"asked Edward

"Yeah,had to fix somethings at the DEO about an alien being loose and sorry about it,"replied Kara

"Hihi don't worry about it I'm happy that you are doing something great for this city and I'm proud of you and I wanna talk to you about something if it's ok with unless you have to go to work,"replied Edward

"Nah it's ok besides I have a lot of time before i have work,what ever it is I'm here ok,"said Kara noticing the look on her brother's face

"Well remember the time when there was an explosion in LA in a gala which considered of scientists?"asked Edward

"Yes I remember that gala which you told me about,"replied Kara

"Well I was being told to being on duty and investigate on a case about a Lex Luthor the great because he had this experiment on turning people into meta humans before he went to jail,"said Edward

"Ok I remember most of it but what is the main problem, "said Kara knowing her brother very well

"Well when the  area exploded I got infected and was in the hospital for at least three to four weeks,"replied Edward afraid to tell Kara the truth

"Wait you didn't tell me about that part,and who was there and are you ok,"asked Kara with worry on her face

"Yeah I'm fine,"replied Edward looking away from Kara

"Haha nice try how fine are you which I may ask Edward,"asked Kara

Edward knew that whenever Kara took his full name that means Kara was being serious and worried and little bit frustrated."Well maybe 10%good and 90% not good,"replied Edward

"Hey it's ok to tell me you know that,"Said Kara hugging her brother

"Well I was being treated by mom and I got ok but the explosion had a major impact on which made me able to have powers,"said Edward and turning away from Kara

"What do you mean by powers and why didn't you tell me about it,"said Kara

"Well I wanted to tell you but it was not safe on the phone so yeah I have powers which mom also told me to hide it,"replied Edward

"Ok what kind of powers do you have, "said Kara curious about what her brother was talking about and also has a worried look on her face which her brother noticed it

"Hey please don't worry about me, and I have the power to move things with my mind and read people's minds,"replied Edward

"Are you ok with it,I mean like you feel normal right,"asked Kara

"Yes I feel normal besides having these powers I'm able to solve cases and used it in a good way,I hope you are not mad at me and trust me I wanted to tell you as soon as it happened, "said Edward

"Hey it's ok I'm happy you told me and no more secrets ok,besides Lex was the one who did it huh?"asked Kara

"Yeah,by the way how are you and how's Lena,"asked Edward

"Well I'm fine and as long as it is about Lena I think she's fine I guess by the way when are you starting work?
,"replied Kara ingoring the question and look on Edward's face

"Yeah I think today besides I wanna surprise Alex and her girlfriend, "said Edward

"Hihi ok well we better be going now for work now ok?"asked Kara

"Hihi yeah we should may i give you a ride to your work place please don't fly ,?"asked Edward  begging Kara

"Ok ok yes you can give me a ride, "replied Kara

After they had breakfast and got over the plan they made their way to Karas office while Edward helped Kara out of his car and then hugged her and gave her a kiss on her cheek they didn't notice Lena who was passing by saw them.Lena had a different mind set thinking that Kara has moved on.
Kara had to do her normal job at CAT.Co while Edward had visited his new work place at the same place where Maggie was being station lucky they did not meet each other or else they will end up killing each other like they nearly did in the airport.
Not long Kara noticed that it was already lunch so she made her way down to the park waiting for Edward and long Edward had pulled over his car and came over to Kara.

"Hey there,"said Edward

"Hi you must hide there while Alex comes here ok"said Kara pointing to the building

Edward nodded in excitement because he was going to meet his older sister after a long time.He made his way behind the building and waited.After a few minutes Alex also pulled over her car in which Maggie also got off the car and headed their way to Kara.

"Hey little Danvers,"said Maggie pulling Kara into a hug

"Hey Kara what did you wanna talk about during your lunch break,"said Alex and giving her hug

"Well hello to you two,I wanted to talk to you about something well you already know this person I just wanna let him meet you again and please don't get angry ok,"said Kara distracting Alex and Maggie while Edward made a round behind them and Edward lean over and hugged Alex

Alex quickly turned around and saw what was in front of her and started to cry and immediately hugged Edward

"Eddie,please tell me I'm not dreaming"said Alex

"No you are not dreaming Alex,"replied Edward

"When,how,what are you doing here,"asked Alex

"Well I'm sorry for leaving you at first place and I know you are angry at me,you have the right to be angry at me,I'm here now so please don't cry,"replied Edward

While Alex and Edward were busy talking to each other Maggie felt a bit jealous and angry at Edward but she didn't know him and she hasn't seen Edward's face because Edward was hiding his face on Alex's shoulders.Kara was happy to see both of her sibling has sought everything but it was broken when Maggie made a sound.

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