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After Kara fell down and felt unconscious Alex was just in time to carry her into her car and take her to the DEO.Kara had been checked by the doctors and she was alright but she lay in bed thinking about what had happen between her and Lena.Her thoughts were disturbed when Alex busted through the door.

"Hey Kara you ok",asked Alex in a serious tone.

Kara started crying and Alex came over to her bed and started to comfort her with a hug

"Shh,shh,Kara its ok please don't cry just tell me what happen ok,?"asked Alex

"Well, when I received the call from you ,I immediately recognize the address because it was Lena's apartment,I reached there when I started to put out the fire then when I tried to hug her she started to scream at me and told me that I have been lying to her about something and when I tried to tell her that I didn't know anything what she was talking about she yelled at me and broke up with me,"said Kara in a very sad tone with tears repeatedly falling of her swallowed red eyes.

Alex started to feel the anger in her due to seeing Kara in this situation.She wanted Lena to pay for what she had done to Kara and then when she was walking out of the Deo room Kara spoke up..

"Alex where do you think you are going?,"asked Kara.

"I'm going to Lena's place to teach her something, "replied Alex in a very angry tone

"Dont do it Alex,"said Kara.

"Why should I do it Kara ,after all those times now she is bailing you away from her,I trusted her because you told to and I did but after this no more, "replied Alex with tears in her eyes because she felt sorry for Kara.

"Alex I know what she did was wrong but I should have trusted you,you were right about her,Clark was right about her and everyone else,I shouldn't have trusted a Luthor but now it's over so please don't it,"said Kara in a serious tone

"I promise I won't do it but I'm sorry and I'm worried about you,"said Alex

"Dont worry about me, I have you,Maggie,Edward,Winn,James,Elisa,John,Clark,and I promise you that I will now also take your advice,I'm done with this all and I'm sorry for making you feel worry about me ,"said Kara

"Dont worry about me I'm just doing my job as being a sister to you ,"said Alex

"Well I'm very lucky to have you as my big sister who cares about her family no matter what,"said Kara then hugged Alex and telling her that it's ok.

After the hug Alex seemed still confused about something that's when Kara noticed her sister being in deep thoughts.

"Alex you ok,"asked Kara in curiosity .

"Well when you mentioned about Edward before ,Have you been talking to each other,"asked Alex

"Yes I have,He said that he misses us and well everything is ok there, " said Kara

"Is he still working there,"asked Alex

"Yes,well he is trying to get a transfer somewhere near National City because he misses us and wants to be with us,"replied Kara.

"Transfer!somewhere here wow that's new for me to know,"said Alex in a sarcastic way.

"Alex I know what he did was wrong but he was only trying to look for Dad after what happened ,you know him he was only trying to be brave since he was left with no other choice,he loved us no matter what,"said Kara

"I know but he should at least tried contacting mom after that you know how mom feels when we are missing or when we are not near her,"said Alex crying.

"Hey shh shh don't cry you can kick his butt when he comes but to make you not cry anymore he is now talking to mom and mom has been visiting him but he is paying for her trip and everything, "replied Kara

"What when has this happen,how,when,mom has been what," replied Alex in a surprised way

"Well for that you might wanna ask Mom and Eddie,"replied Kara

After the conversation between the two Danvers sister,Kara was discharged and continued working as a reporter at CAT.CO and well she was still interviewing Lena but in a professional way and things continued normally.Alex now hated Lena due to what had occurred and Maggie felt the same way because she trusted Lena and everything were all in a different way up until after an year.

Authors Note
Well this is for now the fun begins after this where it will involve jealously,hate,love and also where secrets will be unfolded ☺😈

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