The Scene

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Things have been going smoothly and Edward is still looking for an apartment and they have been having siblings night out to be able to get to know each other and they enjoyed each other's company.
Kara and Edward are home waiting for Alex and Maggie for their night out.just than they heard a knock on their door.

"I'll get it"said Edward

Edward went to open the door and saw his sister and sister in law waiting their with popsicle and pizza and went to hug both of them inviting them in.

"Hey little Danvers and Eddie,"said Maggie and making her way to the couch

"Well well isn't the apartment clean,?"asked Alex knowing that when both of the siblings hardly clean their room

"Hey we have changed ok at least it's clean and please we make a pretty good roommates,"said Kara

"Yeah yeah whatever besides what's up with Edward he is really quite today unlike rest of the night out?"asked Alex

Kara looked up to Edward and they were talking about telling their older sister on how Edward has powers to read mind and move things with his mind.

"Uhh well there is something I have to talk to both of you and please don't get mad cause I really wanted to tell you at the first place but I was scared "replied Edward

"I will not get mad and why are you scared of me"said Alex

"Cause when I told Kara about it she nearly made me into roasted turkey with her laser from her eyes"said Edward looking at Kara

"Hey don't blame me for it ok you  could have told me about it when you were in coma for 3 months which made me worried and yes if I get my hands on Lex I'm gonna kill him ,"yelled Kara

"Wait you were in coma for 3 months and when did this happen and you why did you use your laser on him (pointing to Kara)and why the hell are we bringing Lex and please tell me we are not talking about the Great Lex Luthor and what are you two hiding from me?asked Alex looking at Kara and Edward while Maggie was busy looking at the Danvers siblings fight

"Well I'll let Edward explain to  you two while I get something to eat,"said Kara

"No you are staying here and we will talk about what the hell is going on here than we can eat ok,"said Alex looking at Kara and Edward and both of them nodding their heads because they both know how their older sister was like when it comes to something serious

"Ok so yes I was I  coma for 3 months and I got help from the best doctors and scientists and yes also from Mom,"said Edward

"Wait mom knew about all these things and she never told us about it or great now I'm not the only one who hides secrets ,"said Alex

"Well she told me not to tell you because it will only get you two in trouble and the reason is because it occurred one day when I was being assigned to go undercover on Lex Luthors gala since he had an opening on his new weapon so I was sent there and well during the commencement of the meeting something happened in the basement and we had to tell people to go to the exit in order for us to check what is wrong in the basement since I was an agent I was told to check everything and well there were also some other people helping to find out what was wrong and well that Bastard Lex Luthor had already left and when we were still there the basement had explosion and well some died and well some others were admitted and I was one of them but lucky mom had looked after me and that's why I was in coma and the reason I never told you two because Lex was looking for those people who were in the basement because he had it all planned out and also the explosion had some kind of chemicals which enable us to have powers well Lex was looking for us and if we didn't want to join his army he would kill our families or loved ones and so I didn't tell you because I didn't want to lose you two because I already lost dad and I don't wanna lose my two sisters and also my other sister (looking at Maggie),"said Edward

"I'm so sorry I didn't meant to yell at you like that I should have listened and please tell me anything from now onwards because I don't wanna lose my only brother and yes if I see that Lex Luthor again I'll kill him ,"said Alex and went to hug Edward and also made Edward laugh and Kara also joined her siblings in the hug

"Aww you three are adorable which makes me wanna cry but hey how do you know about me,?"asked Maggie pointing at Edward

"Yeah how do you know about her and I never told you about her"said Alex

"Hihi I have another sister which told me about my older sister love life and I knew all the time even at the airport ,"said Edward which made Maggie jaw hang lose 

"You knew me all the time and I had to yell and swear at you at the airport,"said Maggie and which Edward nod his head this time Maggie stood up and made her way to Edward and giving him a punch in his stomach

"Ouch man you may look like a small woman but you do have strength I might say nice choice Alex,"said Edward who was busy rubbing his abs in order to ease the pain which made Kara and Alex laugh

"Hey never underestimate my woman ok besides you deserved it and ok back to the real talk you mentioned you have powers and what kind ,"said Alex

"Well I have the power to move things and read minds,"said Edward

"Can you show it to us "said Alex which made Edward nod his head than he stood up and looked at the bottle of beer which was on the kitchen

"Ok look at the beer bottle I will lift it up and bring it towards Maggie,"said Edward than he lifted up the bottle with his mind and slowly brought it towards Maggie and than Maggie caught the bottle which made both of them amazed

"Wow I'm impressed and what do you mean read minds,"said Alex

"Well I can tell what a person is thinking about for example Kara is thinking about having dinner now and posticle,"said Edward

"Hey don't blame me I'm hungry and beside I can't help it ok,"said Kara whic made every one to laugh

"Well be careful ok ,"said Alex

"I'm lucky to have you as my partner Eddie now we can kick some butts ,"said Maggie which made Alex and Kara to laugh

"But hey Alex I need to be checked every month and I don't have a place to get checked ,"said Edward

"Ooh yeah you can come to the DEO and you will meet the others and Jonn will be happy to meet you,"said Alex which she earned a nod from Edward

"Ok enough talk now and I wanna eat gosh you people will make me starve to death,"said Kara which made everyone laugh

The night went well and everyone had enjoyed their time and Alex and Maggie had to go back to their apartment while Kara and Edward decided to call it a night and went to sleep.

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