2. Teen Connection Club

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Farrah »

After getting off work, I went straight back home. Tired as hell. Finally my winter break has begun.

As soon as I walked in I was greeted by my older brother, Braheim. Unlike the rest of my family, Brahiem is my biological brother. We were both adopted at the same time, when I was 5 and he was 8. With him being almost twenty now, he still lives at home and helps my family with the restaurant.

"Sup." He said, on his phone.

"Hey." I replied, not really in the mood to talk.

"Farrah don't forget I signed you up for the teen connection club!" My Mom yelled to me from upstairs.

I rolled my eyes to myself. She's always signing me up for some bullshit..I know she means well, but I'm getting to old for this.

"It starts Monday." My Dad added.

So much for my lazy break.

What even is, teen connection club?

"Ugh I remember when they made me go to teen connection camp or whatever it's called. I hated it." Braheim chuckled.

"It's not funny. What did y'all even do?"

"Sat in a circle..socialized, did homework, shit like that."

"Why'd you hate it?"

"Because the program's obviously for weird kids whose parents send them there to make friends. I was like the only normal one."

"Please tell me you're joking."

"Wish I was, kid."

Thanks for a ruined break.

Adonis »

I woke up the next morning to my lightly tapping my shoulder.

"Don...wake up."

I looked at her. She hovered over me with a paper in her hand.

"I'm working overtime today, so I need you to watch Noel. There are pop tarts in the pantry, and I DVR'd Polar Express. She's gonna want to watch it."

"Ok." I muttered sleepily.

"Also, I know you're not exactly a social butterfly, but I got you this. Read over it and text me what you think. It's the last chance to join." She said handing me the paper she had.

She exited my room and I looked down at the paper. It was a pamphlet, which read in big yellow letters Teen Connection Club.


There was stock photos of teens laughing and smiling all over the pamphlet, they're trying to reel me in. It's not gonna work.

"Get to know yourself and your peers, through activities, conversation, and fun!"

Get to know, yourself? What does that even mean?

I think it's obvious my mom wants me to do this, I could tell by how she looked when she gave me that paper. I know that I make my mother upset most of the time, maybe this will make her happy.

I decided to grab my phone from my  nightstand and text her.

"I want to do the program."

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