32. Bruise

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It was now the second day of Tisha staying at our house, and it's been just as bad as you might think.

After a unnecessarily long winded conversation, I finally was able to get in the shower for some relaxation before I left for school.

When I got out, I wrapped my towel around my body and went back to my room.

I instantly noticed Tisha standing over my drawers, several of them opened.

"Uhh? What the hell are you doing?"

"I was just looking for a shirt or something to wear for when I get out the shower."

"You brought a big ass bag here, there's no way you need my clothes."

"Damn Farrah who pissed in your cereal?" She said, slamming my drawer closed.


When I finally got to school, there was a sense of relief. I hate school just as much as anyone, but being out of the house with Tisha and Braheim was a breath of fresh air.

When I got to class, I noticed Adonis sitting in his seat with a hat pushed down on his head like he always used to wear.

"Don..take that off. You're too cute to be hiding your face like that." I chuckled, walking over to sit next to him.

He didn't say anything, shaking his head no.

"Adonis.." I said, sitting down next to him. "Don look at me."

He refused to turn his head.

I lightly grabbed his face, turning it toward me.

My heart dropped when I saw the light swollen bruise under his eye.

"Don..wh-what happened?"

"Nothing." He said quietly.


"Farrah, not now. Please." He said sounding a bit frustrated.

I sighed, but said nothing else as class began. My teacher went on and on about our prompt, but it was like I heard none of it. I was the last person Adonis would keep a secret from, even if he doesn't tell me exactly what happened..I just wanted to know he's okay.

Adonis» earlier that morning

While waiting for the bell to ring, I decided to stop by my locker to get my notebook for creative writing class. As I was digging through the slightly cluttered locker..I noticed Skylar and Keith walk up to me. I found this strange, because this was one of the few halls in our school that were rarely populated by multiple people.

My freshman year the school counselor requested I have this locker to avoid intense crowds, and it did its job just fine. There was hardly ever anyone on this hall, considering it was composed of offices, supply closets, and extra things the school didn't use.

I closed my locker, and looked up at them.

"Heyyy, Adonis. You're Farrah's new man, right?" Skylar asked.


"Damn. So that's what she's into." Keith laughed.

"What does that mean?" I asked him.

"He mean what he said." Skylar chimed in.

I was beginning to feel intimidated, so I turned the other way toward the main hall to get to my class. I didn't understand why they were bothering me, neither of them spoke to me all week. What did I do?

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