9. Merry Chrithmath

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December 25
Christmas morning. The worry and stress from yesterday has left my body and I feel that happy Christmas feeling. We have to go see our family for the holiday..which I don't like so much. Growing up i was told to keep my "illness" under wraps..and I'm happy with doing that. But the older I get...I feel like everyone knows. And I'm the uncomfortable elephant in the room.

"Adonis!! Come downstairs! Santa brought us stuff!" Noel said jumping on my bed.

"In a minute."

"Come onnnn!!! I got a leapfrog!"

She tugged on my hand until I climbed out of bed. I struggled to keep up with her fast feet running downstairs. Mom got everything together while we were asleep, all the gifts were under the tree, the lights were on, and of course her and Noel had on their matching Christmas pijamas.

It made me happy to see Noel so happy, but it also made me think back to Christmases before she was born. Dad died a while before Noel came around, so Christmas without him was..weird. No one was really happy like they are now.

I remember when mom was pregnant with Noel, when she found out she sobbed. I don't know who Noel's dad is, but I figured I shouldn't bring it up. No matter how sad my mom was with the news of the pregnancy, when Noel came we were all happy. And the first Christmas with her was one of the best.

We sat on the floor like always, and my mom passed out gifts.

"Noel, your leapfrog. Adonis, your AirPods. Eden, your video game thingy." She said handing us all gifts, giving Eden his VR headset last.

"Thanks mom." I said quietly.

"Thank you mommy!"Noel said, still trying to peer behind the tree to see what else she'd gotten.

Eden stayed silent, staring at my gift in my hand.

"Before I give the rest out, Adonis..I know I don't usually surprise you, but this year, I really couldn't help it." She said pulling a black box from behind her back and giving it to me.

I stared down at it. I hate surprises.

"Open it don!" Noel said bouncing up and down.

I opened the box, revealing a small gold chain.

"Wow..th-Thanks Mom."

Eden sucked his teeth and stood up.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked him, clearly frustrated.

He didn't respond and went upstairs.

I didn't mean to piss him off, I shouldn't have opened it in front of him.

"So...you don't want the rest of your gifts?"

"Seems like you spend all your money on him!"

"Boy I- hold on, I'll be right back. Open the rest of the gifts with your name on it, and give Noel hers." My mom said rushing upstairs.

Now it was Noel and I.

"Eden's not smart, Don." She said shaking her head.

"Why do you say that?"

"Mommy got him one too." She said pointing to another box the same as mine. "He should've just waited."

"Yeah.." I agreed with her.

"Are you gonna open your other presents now?"

"I think I'll do that later. How about we open yours."

Farrah »

Christmas morning. Right now it was just any other morning. My mom was still pissed from yesterday, so I had no phone.

My mom and Braheim were already down in the restaurant when my dad decided to stop by my room.


"...yes dad?" I said trying not to be annoyed.

"I'm sorry that things aren't going the way you wanted them to, but I'll drop you off at a friends place-"

"That's the thing dad. Christmas is supposed to be spent with your family."


"I mean..why would you even adopt us? If you didn't want a family?"

"What are you talking about-"

"It's like all you wanted was a staff for the restaurant! Considering that's all we ever do together."

"You know what Farrah, I'm not gonna argue with you. I get you're in your feelings..but you're not gonna accuse me of that. Your gifts are downstairs, I'll see you later." He said before shutting my door.

I sighed to myself. Maybe I shouldn't have said that, but it's like no one cares but me. It's nothing to them.

I got out of bed and went downstairs. I grabbed the house phone, trying to remember Adonis' number. I hate that I probably made him feel like I was ignoring him.

416...562...what was the last four?!

1552, I entered, before pressing enter, waiting for a possible answer.

"Hello?" An older female voice answered.

"Uh..this wouldn't happen to be Ad-"

"I am so tired of you scammers calling my phone! You can't sell me anything! Stop it!"

"No I-"

"You're not stealing from me anymore!" She said before hanging up.

Maybe it was 1553?

Adonis »

I was playing with Noel and her leapfrog, when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

I looked at my screen, an unknown number.

"Should I answer?" I asked Noel.

"Yeah. It could be the prime minister."

"Probably not, but I'll see." I told her, as I answered the phone.




"Yeah..thank god I remembered your number. My mom took my phone, I wasn't able to respond to you. How's your Christmas?"

I guess I...didn't piss her off?

"It's good. I got some cool stuff."

"That's good..well I don't know when I'm getting my phone back, so I was just calling to let you know. Don't want to take yo your time, so I'll call you later..ok?"

"Ok..I hope your day gets better."

"Thanks Adonis, you're really sweet."

I smiled to myself. Does she really think so?

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