12. Dread Head

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Watching Adonis look down at the city happily was enough to help forget about the awkward encounter with Dumisani.

As much as I wanted to explain it to Adonis..it's hard enough for him to understand normal reactions...me explaining my issues to him would be near impossible.

"Farrah. I wish I could stay here forever."

I was flooded with joy, hearing him express his love for the tower. Not only because it's hard to make him smile, it's even harder to have him willingly express his pleasure with things. This is progress.

"I think this'll be a good first date for you and Ivy."

"I gotta ask her on a date?" Adonis asked, sighing.

"If you want to date her..yes. This place at night? Very romantic."

"I guess." He said shrugging.

"You can't just jump right into dating. You gotta get to know her first. What you're like..what she's like. You gotta see if you two vibe."

"What if we don't?"

"You move on."

Suddenly he got very silent. I looked over at him, his expression was blank. He was in deep thought.

"Suppose...hypothetically, I was dealing with something..that I don't really like telling people. If I were to date a girl, would I have to tell her?"

Adonis' "hypotheticals" were easy to see through. But I found myself connecting to this one.

"If you trust her to know, go for it. If not..don't tell her until you do. You're never obligated to tell something that's personal to you."

"What if...I don't tell her. And she finds out. You think she'd be mad?"

"If it's something serious enough to where you don't feel comfortable sharing, she shouldn't be."


It was nearing 3:30 when we left the tower, meaning we should head back in the direction of the center where the meeting was.

Farrah assured me the day wasn't over. But I was satisfied, I hadn't had this much fun..ever. I felt like a teen in a movie who does crazy stuff with their friends.

"You wanna stop by the ice cream place?" Farrah said, getting up with me to get off the train.

"Are you sure we'll have time?"

"I think so- oh shit." She said stopping in her tracks.

I looked around the train station for what she could be talking about. It's just people.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? That's your mom." She said pointing in the direction of a arriving train. There was my mother. Waiting by the tracks as if she was waiting for someone to get off.

I couldn't react, my stomach turned in anxiety, as I felt my hands begin to sweat.

"What's she doing here?" Farrah asked, pulling me by my arm behind a group of people.

"I don't know...she doesn't ride the train."

"Well we have to go. Now."

For some reason I couldn't peel my eyes away from my mom. What was she doing here?

"Just one more second." I said to Farrah. A train came to a pause in front of the railway, with people immediately flooding out.

"Adonis! Are you trying to get caught?"

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