26. Cookies

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in this chapter, we go deeper into Adonis' past and what spawned his PTSD. if you are sensitive the topic of sexual assault, maybe skip this chapter

or, read on until Adonis and his mother begin arguing. thanks!


Farrah ended up putting makeup over the hickeys on my neck, and after a while of talking, laughing, and more than a few kisses in her kitchen, my mom arrived.

Farrah checked me one more time to make sure my necked looked normal, and I left.

"How'd it go? Get any work done?" my mom asked me as I got into the car.

"Yeah I got some stuff done."

"Good, that's nice. I should let you know..Micah is at the house."


"So I w-"

"Wait. Where is Noel?"

"She's home too, relax."

"Mom you left her there alone? With him?"

"Adonis calm down, I know it seems like a big deal..considering what you've been through, but it's not. I trust Micah."

"That's your problem! Remember when you trusted-"

"Eden is gonna be home soon since you're so worried! And stop raising your voice at me! Who are you to tell me what my problem is? You've got a couple problems yourself Adonis."

I put my face in my hands to prevent myself from saying anything else. The words that wanted to come out of my mouth were things I shouldn't say.

"Don please..don't blame me for what happened to you. I got enough of that from your dad. I couldn't have predicted any of that happening, it was a mistake-"

"A mistake that you're making again?!"

"Noel is fine!" She yelled in frustration.

Just calm down, Adonis. You're overreacting. Noel is fine.

I kept my face in my hands, taking deep breaths. I thought of my dad, and he advice he'd give me right now. Never argue with your mother, you won't win.

"Adonis I'm sorry about what happened with Eleanor and that daughter of hers,"

I shuddered at the mention of them.

"There isn't a day it doesn't cross my mind, but I need you to trust that I wouldn't put Noel in danger, okay?"


"And Adonis? I only left you there because I thought you'd have a nice time. Let's not put the blame on anyone."

"I'm sorry." I said sincerely. My thoughts were no longer on the argument, instead my head swarmed with repressed memories I tried my hardest to forget.

[Eight years ago]

"Adonis, come with me." Eleanor spoke to the shy nine year old.

Eleanor had made good friends with Adonis' mother through church.

Eleanor had a daughter, Abby. Who despite being three years older than Adonis, found herself in the same grade as him.

A learning disability, her mother claimed.

Eleanor and Sade made the decision that their children would be friends, though neither of the children took much interest in each other.

Sade's reasoning was that she was desperate for her timid son to have a close friend, while Eleanor claimed her daughter Abby had the same problem.

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