13. Email

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Journal #5
my day with Farrah was one of the best days ever. Even though I felt guilty when I got in the car with my mom. What she doesn't know shouldn't hurt her, but I kind of feel like deep down she does know that I skipped out on the club and wandered the city.

in the past guilt would always eat away at my conscious, eventually making me confess. Whether it was when I stole a cookie from the jar one night, or when I was 11 and broke Eden's headphones because he called me a 'fag' i always confessed. Not this time. I won't say anything. I promised that to Farrah


"How was the meeting?" My mom said, as we were on the way home.

It didn't take long for her to pull up to where Farrah and I were waiting. It still made me feel weird to look at her, after accidentally seeing her with that guy in the train station.

"Fine." I said, checking my phone for the fifteenth time since we'd been in the car.

Farrah decided in order to initiate things with Ivy, she'd send her a text from my phone. It was nothing more than hey it's Adonis, but the lack of response was troubling me.

"I see you were hanging out with that young lady. You too are close friends."

"Yeah. We are."

"You know Adonis, speaking of friends..I was thinking I wanted to introduce you to someone. H-"

"Where's Noel?" I interrupted. If she was going to initiate a conversation about the guy from the train station, I didn't care to hear about it.

"She's at her friend's birthday party. Which left me some time to run some errands of my own..which brings me back to my point. Adonis, I-"

"Where's Eden?"

"He's home grounded, Adonis. Now stop interrupting me. Adonis..I think you should know, that I'm seeing someone."

"Yeah, you've got eyes mom."

"Not seeing in that sense, Don. Seeing as in..dating."

"Oh. Ok." I told her, pretending not to care.

"Oh ok? That's all?"


"Out of all three of you I expected you to be upset."

"Wait..Eden and Noel knew?"

"Well Noel has met Micah, and I told Eden a while ago."


"S-So..what made you think I wasn't ready to meet him? What's wrong with me?"

I didn't care to meet this Micah guy..but the fact that the whole family was hiding it from me was a hurtful thing.

"I just didn't think you'd want to. Adonis I know how you feel about me being wi-"

"No you don't. You don't know how I feel. You just make stuff up in your head about how I feel so you can feel better about treating me like a little kid."

"Adonis watch your tone with me."

I didn't say anything else, and put my hood on my head.

"Are you comfortable with meeting Micah? Maybe tomorrow night?"

"I guess."


"How was the meeting?"

"It was okay I guess."

"Mhm. What'd you guys do?" My mother questioned. Little did she know I prepared for these.

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