24. Micheal

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whew chile the comments on that last chapter....I..

Journal #who even knows

just when my mom was starting to forgive me for calling her boyfriend a bitch, that argument in the car fucked things up worse.
not like I care, maybe this means she'll leave me alone. We haven't talked much since then.

Adonis » Monday Morning

"And so class, I want you to get into groups of four. Your assignment will be to create a group of four functioning characters, create a relationship between them, and create a story that tears them apart. Understood?" My teacher spoke to the class. Everyone murmured in agreement.

What a weird prompt.

"And I don't want your casual cliche group of friends. Make it interesting."

Got it.

"In group one, I'd like Keith, Dumisani, Adonis, and...Farrah."

That was to be expected, considering we're all sitting right by each other.

I stopped listening as she called the other groups out, I need to focus. Dumisani and Keith are not people I particularly like, but on the bright side, I get to work with Farrah.

"Alright. Anyone got any ideas?" Farrah asked the group.

"I was thinking a group of niggas in high school." Keith suggested.

"She said something not cliche. I was thinking drug dealers." Dumisani said, as Farrah jotted some things down on a piece of paper.

I always found it interesting how she naturally assumed the position of a leader, and how she did it so well.

"What you thinking Don?" She asked me.

"I don't know." I replied quietly, despite their being a million ideas in my head.

She could tell.

"Well. I don't think the drug dealers idea is so bad, but it's a definitely a bit much."

"Aight. Maybe they could be....co-workers?" Keith suggested instead.

"Not bad. Where do they work? I'd like an idea from everyone." Farrah said, looking at me.

"Fast food joint." Keith said.

"Hmm. Maybe a Nail salonnnn." Dumisani said in a fake accent which I'm sure is offensive.

"Possibly..." Farrah said to him. "Adonis?"

"Maybe..th-they could be teachers."

"I fuck with that." Keith said, nodding in agreement.

"Teachers. I like it. What would tear a group of teachers apart?" Farrah asked, writing more things on her paper.

"They could be competing. For a new position." Dumisani suggested.

"I like that." Farrah agreed. "What you think Don?"

"Sounds good."

We ended up writing pages and pages of our story. Farrah and I worked on the details the four characters, Dumisani worked on the story draft, while Keith edited. In the past I didn't get along with Keith, Dumisani, or any of their acquaintances, but today went surprisingly well.

Usually group projects of any kind would send me into a panic, but being with Farrah made me more comfortable to be around other people. When I didn't know what to say, she'd help me.

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