46. Abrasive

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To everyone who commented that Adonis is pregnant on the last chapter, you will be hearing from my lawyers.

Thank you.

Eden »

I'd snuck of campus second period. I needed to see Adam. ASAP.

After waiting for what felt like forever, I saw his car pull up to the empty park.

The second he got out, I rushed over to him.

He opened his arms for a hug, but instead I hit him in the face.

"Nigga the fuck?" He said shoving me.

"Who the fuck did you tell Adam?!" I said, attempting to hit him again, before he grabbed my hands.

"What are you talking about?"

"Who did you tell??! How do people at my school know about me?!" I said, fighting to escape his grip.

It all started this morning. People mumbled and snickered as I walked down the hall. First period I was sent to Farrah's class, where Skylar told me all about the rumors.

The rumors that I did my best to deny..but Skylar kept mentioning 'receipts'. Ones that I assured her I didn't need to see, profusely claiming that I'd never even think about being with a guy. I'd even found myself making derogatory comments in order to cover my tracks.

"I didn't tell anyone Eden, stop! And I'm not playing, chill out before I actually hurt you."

"So who did?!"

"I don't know Eden! I didn't tell anyone. The only one who knows is my mom. You told your brother...his girlfriend..."

"Don't try and pin this on Don or Farrah. I trusted them and so do you."

"I'm just saying it wasn't me Eden!"

I scoffed at him, stepping away.

This 'rumor' was going to cause problems for me. School was the only place I felt important, if people started treating me different because of this..I'd have nothing.

"Listen to me. It doesn't matter who or why..but..it happened. Now you can either deny it...or not. But I'll be here for you regardless-"

"Adam I don't want you to be here for me. I wanna forget about you, all of this and act like nothing ever happened."

"You don't mean that Eden."

"I do...just...leave me alone."



"You shouldn't be so mean to your brother."

It was the night after the 'big fight' between Eden and his younger brother. Adonis had hit Eden in the face, and Eden called him 'retarded'. (Or in Adonis' terms...the R word)

"He needs to watch how he speaks to me." Eden told his friend  Adam over the phone, who he was now growing a little closer to.

Adam had long confessed the feelings that he had for Eden, but even still...the uncomfortable eighteen year old kept things on a friendly level.

"You know how he is Eden, you can't go calling him names and shit."

Eden rarely ever shared the details of his personal life with anyone— simply for the reason that they were best kept private. Though, Adam always asked. There was no denying his crush on Eden..and with these feelings came the desire to know more about him.

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