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When the van finally skidded to a stop, night was coming on. The setting sun painted the sky shades of orange and red, but there were no stars, to the new recruits' dismay. When they got out of the vehicle, the air was hot and arid, lacking any type of humidity. The ground held onto the day, still warm from the sun's harsh rays. In front of them stood a run down, graffiti covered diner, a Trans-Am car parked in front of it.

"Here we are, kids," Alien gestured to the diner in a large, sweeping motion. "Home sweet home. For now, anyway. We've got another spot where we usually hang out, but we  here. This is the Four's hideout."

The general walked up to the door and pressed a button. She looked up into a corner of the doorframe, and Storm realized there was a camera there.

"Who'soh hey Alien," a deep-sounding voice crackled from the speakers. "It is you, right? The camera's a bit faulty."

"Yup, it's me," Alien told the voice. "Vendetta too. And a couple of guests," she added with a smirk.

"Okay, I'll let you in," the voice said. "Are you sure you can trust them?"

"One hundred percent."

There was a buzzing noise, and the door popped open with a click.

Alien sauntered in, holding the door open for her boyfriend and the recruits. Storm hesitated for a minute before stepping in, but he did after a moment.

The inside of the room was filled with décor and knickknacks. It looked almost like a traditional diner in setup, with tables scattered around, but most of it looked as stereotypical as a rebel base could look. Alien removed her goggles, and her boyfriend did the same. Sunset followed suit, removing her sunglasses. Storm had no choice but to do it too. He pulled his bandanna off of his face and put his sunglasses in his pocket.

A person stepped from the doorway in the back of the room. His hair was black and shoulder-length and he was a couple of inches shorter than Storm. This must be Fun Ghoul, he realized.

"Alien! Nice to see you!" he came over to her and gave her a salute, and then a bro hug. His voice matched that of the one they had heard outside.

"How's my favorite midget?" Alien reciprocated the hug.

"You're shorter than me!" he feigned offense.

"I'm Irish," she made a point.

"True." Ghoul grinned and gave a bro hug to Vendetta, then turned to the newcomers. "Who are the motorbabies?" he asked Alien, then his eyes widened as he looked them over. "Holy sh—"

"Yes, they are who you think they are," Vendetta cut him off. "You can't tell anyone, though."

"No shit, Sherlock!" Ghoul was still shocked. He turned back to the siblings with wide eyes. "Well then, what are your codenames?"

"I'm Sunset Flash," Sunset told him. "Sunset for short. And he's Silent Storm, or just Storm," she added, gesturing to her brother.

"Well okay," Ghoul mentally said screw it. "I'm Fun Ghoul, but knowing these two, you probably already know that."

Alien winked.

Ghoul shrugged and leaned back in the doorframe. "Hey, guys! Come and see this!" he yelled into the other room. He walked back over to the other four.

Three more guys walked into the room. The first was blond and wore a red jacket, the second was tall and had a long afro. They had to be Kobra Kid and Jet Star. They both registered the siblings. Jet's jaw went slack, but Kobra's face didn't change at all.

Silence // Danger Days (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now