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"You want me to what?"

"Okay, we should have asked you before booking the show but we really need a drummer!"

The Fabulous Four, apparently, had booked a show at the Pit, the biggest spot for concerts in the Zones, weeks ago. They planned to ask Storm if he would drum for them at the time, but it had slipped their minds until the day before.

"Really kid, we need you!" Jet begged him.

"Just ask Donnie or something!" Storm was extremely adamant. He got nervous whenever he met one Killjoy; he couldn't imagine playing in front of thousands of them!

"They're playing another show the same night!" Ghoul was practically screaming.

"We could call Hunter," Kobra said quietly.

"See? Call Hunter!" Storm said anxiously. "Or Shannon, whatever he's called. He's a drummer, right?"

"I wouldn't think he'd be ready to come back to the desert yet," Poison told his brother.

"Goddamnit, kid!" Ghoul screamed. "We need you!"


Alien's shout echoed through the room.

She jogged over. "I'm trying to contact Dr. D for patrol schedules, but I can't do that when you're all screaming at each other!"

Storm's face heated up. Ghoul looked pissed that someone had interrupted him, Jet gave her a pleading look, Poison looked like a sad puppy (which was absolutely adorable to Storm), and Kobra just looked relieved that someone had stopped the noise.

"Ven!" Alien called. "I need you!"

Vendetta popped out of the door of the mess hall holding a can of beans and a spork. "What's goin' on?"

"They're arguing, you're the referee, have at it."

He sighed and walked over. He shoveled some beans into his mouth and said, "Alright, explain," slightly muffled.

"So we're playing a show tomorrow at the Pit," Jet began. "We were gonna call Donnie to play drums for us but the Suitehearts are playing another show the same night."

"A-and," Storm stuttered, "they asked me to but I um... I can't."

"Kid has stage fright," Ghoul said, shooting an annoyed look at Storm.

"Right then," the silver-haired boy said. "First off. When did you guys book this show?"

"Last month," Poison said sheepishly.

"And when did you intend to ask Storm about it?"

"Well—" Poison continued to look sheepish. "We were going to, but... things happened, you know?"

Vendetta sighed. "Well, you at least shouldn't have screamed at him. That made him even more anxious. I mean, just look at him!" He gestured to Storm, whose face had once again turned the shade of Poison's hair.

"And you," the medic turned to the drummer. "Why don't you want to play?"

"I-I just," Storm continued to stutter. "There's gonna be so many people there..." he shivered.

"So you don't want to be seen?"

"Not really."

"You know, no one knows about you yet. And if you're on a stage with the Four, no one will notice you at all. They'll just be paying attention to these guys."

That's true, Storm considered.

"And they do need a drummer, and you're the best chance they've got. So what do you say?"

Silence // Danger Days (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now