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"Man, Sandy's restless!" Alien cursed. "We've had to pull him out of situations way too many times!"

"Are you sure you can't go any faster?" Sunset yelled over the wind blowing through the open windows.

"I'm at top speed, kid!" the general yelled back.

The Girl stood on the console of the van and leaned out of the sunroof. She whooped in delight.

"Sandman sent coordinates, right?" Vendetta asked his girlfriend loudly.

"Yeah, I've got them on GPS!" She told him, pointing at a screen she was holding.

How they had that technology, Storm wasn't sure, but he knew that Ghoul had probably reprogrammed it not to send their location to BLI.

"You okay, Luca?" Sunset turned to her brother, who had been silent.

"You should try not to call me that," he commented, "it might slip out in front of other Killjoys."

"Fine then, Storm," she said, a bit annoyed. "Are you okay?"

"As I'll ever be, I think," he said somberly. "I'm just worried about you."

"Why?" she asked. "I'm completely fine. I know you think it's so dangerous out here, but it's also the best thing we've ever done, as well as the first place we've ever felt like we belonged!"

"We belong together, Hails," he told her, taking her hands in his. "We never needed anyone else."

"We wanted it, though. Don't tell me you didn't think of running away years before the thought even came to my mind!"

This is confusing, he said to himself. "I guess I don't really know how I feel."

"That's alright," she smiled at him. "You've got all the time in the world to figure it out. And most importantly, you have us!" she gestured to the other two Killjoys and herself. "We're the Ascenders, remember? We'll stand behind you no matter what. I promise."

"Thank you," Storm said, wrapping his arms around his sister.

The vehicle suddenly screeched to a stop, throwing everyone forward.

"Alright, everybody out! Let's move!" Alien ordered, going into full-on military mode. She pulled her goggles over her eyes and jumped out of the vehicle.

"What do I do?" the Girl squealed.

"You're just gonna hide in here, okay sweetie?" Vendetta soothed her. "Everything's gonna be okay."

Storm pulled his bandanna over his face, preparing for the fight. Sunset pulled her sunglasses on as well, and Vendetta put his mask on.

"You ready for this?" the ginger said to her brother.

"Ready as I'll ever be," he told her, opening the van's door.

The gang followed Alien out of the van, and they all ran after her towards a spot where a huge fight was happening. There were four people who were obviously Killjoys fighting against what had to be a dozen or more Scarecrows. One of them was laying on the ground, out of the way, and another seemed to be tending to him.

"Hey!" one of the 'Joys, who was wearing a large black coat, yelled. Storm figured it was probably Mr. Sandman, the leader of the Suitehearts.

"'Sup?" Alien yelled, then instantly pulled out her gun and started taking down the 'Crows.

Storm started shooting as well, and though he wasn't as good of a shot as Alien was, he still got a couple of good hits. He felt something warm press to his back and realized that it was his sister, fighting back-to-back with him. Vendetta took out a knife instead of a gun, but still made quick work of any of the enemies that came at him. The seven Killjoys were definitely succeeding.

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