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Alien was getting bored.

Sure, four times so far the 'Crows would come in, drag her to a torture room, and have her electrocuted every time she gave an inadequate answer to a question, but she was already getting sick of it. She was an impatient person. See, in the desert, there was always something to do, see, and hear (not taste, unfortunately), and people to talk to. But in here it was just, "okay, lets torture her a bit; alright, if we torture her any more she'll die, let's give her a break; this break's been long enough, let's torture her again," and so on for what seemed like days but was really only one day.

Yeah, she was picky. No need to sue her, she's already wanted by the government.


The ragtag band of rebels had followed the newly returning pair of Killjoys, Capricorn and Night Hunter, to a street corner near a subway entrance, where a bunch of people were waiting for them. The Girl had fallen asleep on Hunter's bed, so they let her stay there for the moment.

There were a group of five called the Star Set led by a guy named Dustin, a girl called New Americana with blue hair, a group of three called Waterparks, and a few others, including Killer King and another boy that he'd never seen, wearing a vest and a flowery scarf.

Obviously, Storm didn't really want to meet any of them, but he smiled and waved like any awkward person would in that situation. Fortunately, Poison took a break from being a hardened soldier to hold his boyfriend's hand.

Killer talked to Poison for a bit, which Storm couldn't help but listen to. Apparently, the other boy was called Northern Downpour. He was also an ex-Killjoy, but had left a long time before the MARS boys had. He never said why.

After a bit, Killer noticed Storm and greeted him. "Hey, kid, I remember you! You were with Alien that one day."

"Yeah, that's me," Storm replied shyly.

Killer grinned, then his face contorted. "You look familiar," he said. "Not from the last time I saw you. Did you like, do something before the war?"

Storm stifled a chuckle. "Nah, I don't think so." The last thing he needed was someone recognizing him.

"Okay, sorry," the Tumbleweed laughed. "Must be deja vu or something. Hey, have you met Downpour?" He gestured to the other boy, who was standing away from the crowd. When he noticed Killer's gesture, he waved shyly and looked away.

"He doesn't seem like he wants to socialize right now," Storm said. "He's probably anxious."

"Yeah," Killer sighed. "I'm gonna go keep him company."

Poison pulled Storm aside. "Bye Killer!"

"See ya on the other side, boys." He waved and walked back over to his friend.

Poison leaned in towards Storm. "The reason Downpour doesn't want to talk is... well, it's a long story. Basically, he and Killer were in a gang with two other guys called Young Vein and Green Gentleman. One day they got in a clap and the two others died. Killer and Downpour barely made it out, but Downpour was convinced it was his fault, so he exiled himself, in a way. No one's seen him and he hasn't seen anyone since."

"Oh," Storm replied, not really knowing what to say. "That's pretty sad."

"Yeah," he said, a bit wistful and a bit sad. "Killer's really all he's got now."

Silence // Danger Days (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now