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Vendetta and the Girl arrived at the city line about an hour and a half later. The motorcycle they were on was one of the fastest vehicles in the Zones, because it had been stolen from BLI, which constantly makes innovations to their machines.

The Girl was fascinated by the speed they were moving at. Their surroundings were nothing but a blur as they flew down the highway.

Of course, BLI now occupied the Getaway Mile, so they had to enter through the exit point they had traveled through when Vendetta had met the siblings.

The bike skidded to a stop after it shot through the gate. The Trans Am was already there, unoccupied. Vendetta put down the kickstand and ran into the street as fast as he could, and the Girl did all she could to keep up.

They arrived at Jared and Shannon's shop and ran inside to find the Four, Storm, Sunset, and the two ex-Killjoys standing around a table, muttering to each other. They all looked up when the Girl and Vendetta came inside.

"You're here!" Poison called them over to the table. They had all been looking at a floor plan of BLI HQ, trying to formulate a plan to rescue Alien. Shannon was furiously typing on a laptop. Ghoul, however, was nowhere to be seen.

The Girl jumped into Poison's arms and he lifted her into a hug. He was like a big brother to her.

"Cap, Hunter, hi," Vendetta quickly greeted his friends, then focused on the floor plan.

"Alright, I'll fill you in," Shannon began. "I managed to get into BLI's records and find out where she's being held. Here," he pointed at a group of small rooms, "that's the high security section. That makes it more dangerous for us. Specifically Cell A4."

"Alright," Vendetta nodded.

Poison jumped in. "Our original plan was for us to just run in there—"

"Which would be a suicide mission," Kobra interrupted.

"But I had a better idea," Storm said.

"What is it?" Vendetta asked, curious.

"Well, these two," Jared gestured to the siblings matter-of-factly, "are wanted by BLI, you know that. But now, they're number one!" he grinned.

"What do you mean?" Vendetta started to look worried.

"They're BLI's Most Wanted, both of them!"

Storm chuckled and muttered, "Did you really expect anything else?"

"Anyone wearing a BLI uniform that brings you two in will never be questioned," Jet told them. "So if we were to take down a couple of 'Crows..."

"You're basically our free ticket into the building!" Jared grinned at them.

Poison elaborated, "So basically, we go to the nearest place we can find Scarecrows, like a BLI complaint center or something, grab their uniforms and IDs, then put you three in handcuffs and take you to the high security prison section. Shannon can loop the cameras so they don't see us, then we find Alien."

"Then what?" Vendetta asked.

"We haven't gotten that far yet," Shannon said. "I did contact a few Tumbleweeds and Juviehalls in here; we could probably storm the building as a distraction and you guys can run out."

"Really?" Jared asked his brother. "Who'd you get?"

"The Star Set, New Americana, a couple others. Oh, and Killer King."

Silence // Danger Days (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now