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The first thing he felt was a hand clutching his.

He couldn't hear anything other than the ringing in his ears.

His eyelids felt heavy, but he struggled to open them anyway.

For a moment, he had no idea where he was. All he saw was two blurry figures standing around him.

He blinked a few times. Voices started to break through the flood in his ears.

"Jet! He's waking up!"

"Oh! Don't be too harsh."

"Storm? Can you hear me? This is Poison. Blink twice if you can hear me."

He recognized the word Poison. He slowly blinked once, then a second time. The color red came into his view.

"Oh, thank Destroya!" Poison laughed in relief. "Are you okay?"

He attempted to speak, but failed. He nodded instead, and attempted to sit up. He saw that he was in the med bay of the Nest. His memories began to come back to him gradually.

"No no no, don't do that," Jet pushed him back onto his cot. "You need to stay here for a few days."

He tried to speak again, and his voice came out as a dull rasp. "Poison?"

"Hey Storm," Poison replied. "I'm here."

"I love you."

"I love you too, I'm so glad you're okay." Poison squeezed Storm's hand.

"How long have I been out?"

"Three days," Jet told him. "Thank god their guns were set to stun."

"Where's Al?"

"In the living quarters," Jet said. "She dislocated her knee. I set it back, but she's still recovering from... other things."

Storm remembered. Vendetta. "Is she okay?"

Poison sighed. "I don't know. She won't talk. Not just to me, but to anyone."

The memories of the fight slowly came back to him, but he was knocked out in the middle of it. "What happened back there... with Korse?"

Poison sighed, deeper this time. "Well, I shot first. They threw you aside and we fought for a bit, but they got all of us. I came to first, and..."

"And what?"

Poison sniffed. "They took her. They have the Girl."

Storm was shocked. "What?"

"Korse just looked me in the eye and said, 'Keep running,' and then they just left. Then we all just got up and continued to D's. We left the van there, for obvious reasons. We told him what happened, and he said it was best if he came back to the Nest with us, so now he's here, broadcasting from Al's office. Pony's here too." Storm was wondering how they got Dr. D down into the Nest with his wheelchair, but thought it best not to ask.

Storm looked a bit closer at Jet for the first time, and noticed that something was wrong. "Why are you wearing an eyepatch?"

"Oh, this?" Jet replied. "Well, when the Dracs were shooting, they managed to get me right in the eye, so I can't see through it anymore. So now I just wear this."

"That sucks," Storm said.

"Yeah, it does." Jet sighed. "At least it's not the eye I use to aim."

There was a knock on the door. Jet stood to open it, and found Sunset standing there. She walked in to greet her brother.

"Hey Luca," she said, sitting on the side of his cot.

Silence // Danger Days (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now