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Just another day in hell. Felix was walking down the school hallway with PJ, Sean, Ken, Dan, and Phil. It was another cold British morning, so they were wearing scarves, coats, mittens, and hats. The hall felt very ominous, as Felix walked by, people were quickly grabbing their books from their lockers and rushing away. A few girls were whispering whilst making eye contact with him as well. "Hey, watch it." Felix barked.

They both jumped, quickly whispered "Sorry", and scurried away. Felix hopelessly sighed. They continued to walk, and finally stopped at Sean's locker. "Why does everyone hate us?" Sean groaned. "Just because we're Felix's friend, doesn't mean we did anything!" "Because people are stupid." Felix spat.

"Because we keep on bailing him out when he deserves to be a fucking jailbird, and what does he do for us? Can't even buy us a damn ice cream-" "Shut up PJ." Felix muttered. Felix knew PJ was right, but he didn't want to admit it. "Felix, PJ has a point, we do everything for you and you never pay us back. Why?" Dan questioned.

"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP." Felix finalized. "Okay whatever then, sorry crabby." Phil said. "LESTER SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU'RE SO DAMN ANNOYING!" Ken argued. It wasn't before long, the entire group was in a nasty verbal argument. "DAN, YOU AND PHIL ARE SUCH FAGGOTS!" Sean shouted. "AM NOT!" Dan and Phil both said. "YOU AND MARK ARE!" "I HAVEN'T TALKED TO MARK IN YEARS DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE BRING THAT UP!" Sean yelled.

A teacher, Mrs. Chester, walked over to the group and split them up. "You boys are acting like little children! Two weeks break and after school detention!" She screamed. As soon as she walked away, Sean said, "Great Felix now you got us in more trouble! Me Mum's gonna kill me!" "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Felix cried. The entire group did and walked away from Felix. Leaving Felix alone. The bell rang, and Felix headed to his first class, physics.

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