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"Hey, Fanny? What do you think of this dress?" Felix handed her the dress so she could examine it. "It's cool. Buy it please." She tossed it into the trolley. The dress was seafoam blue and had a white-collar. It had no sleeves, but was fine to wear since it was still summertime. "I'll buy it. I'll get you some shoes and socks too." Felix dug around the sock bin for white socks with ruffles on them. "I'll get these." The socks didn't have frills, they were just plain white knee-highs in a pack, but since they were only £5, Felix decided to place them in the trolley.

He also found a pair of cheap, black Mary Janes. He went to the crafts section to buy a tri-poster board, a pack of markers, and a pen. He also got a few groceries (cereal, milk, and crumpets), and a pack of cigarettes. He went to the self-checkout to buy everything, and left just in time.


"You're back! I cleaned the flat since I don't want Marzia to think I'm a slob, I also made more tea! English Breakfast! Have some if you please." Phil sighed as he slid onto the couch.  "No thank you! I have to get everything ready for Marzia, Fanny might though!" Felix nudged. "Hmm... Sure! Pour me a cup, I'll sit down!" Fanny hopped to her seat at the table. "Of course your majesty!" Phil laughed. 

Phil handed Fanny her tea, and turned on the TV. "What cartoons would you like to watch?" Phil asked. "OH, OH! Winnie the Pooh!" Fanny cheered. Phil turned to the channel Winnie the Pooh was on, and put down the remote. Felix sighed and went to his room. When Felix finished setting up the poster board, computer, and markers to his liking, he decided to sneak around the house to try and find a candle. He figured the candle could create a relaxed atmosphere, and help mask the scent of dirty socks in his room.

He found a jasmine scented candle by the lounge, and a lighter by it too. He snuck back and lit the candle in his room. "Good enough." he thought, and shrugged. He snuck back out to the lounge again and placed the lighter in the same spot it was in before.  Afterwards, he slowly walked around to try and find Phil. "Phil?" "Yeah? I'm in my room!" Phil answered. "Okay." Felix walked into Phil's room. "Hey, I need to ask you a question.." "What?" Phil lifted his head up from the book he was reading. 

"How do you already have your own apartment?" Felix inquisitively asked. "Well, my parents didn't want me to live in their house anymore, so they pay half the rent on this one. Since I have a job, I can afford to pay for the other half." Phil said. "Huh, interesting," Felix answered.

"Well, I'm gonna go have a couple of cigarettes on the balcony, later. Felix went to his room, grabbed his ashtray, and camels. He slid by the lounge to grab the lighter (again), walked outside, and he made himself comfy on a chair. He placed the cigarette into his mouth and puffed. He felt relaxed as the smoke travelled through his lungs, and out of his mouth. 

10 minutes later, Fanny ran towards him. "Felix! Someone's at the door for you!" "Huh? What time is it?" Felix said as he was kicked out of his trance. "Uh, I think 1:55?" Fanny answered uncertainly.  "Oh shit, I better go, thanks-" he ran past Fanny to the front door.  Felix grabbed hold of the doorknob and twisted it. The door slowly creaked open. Marzia was standing by the doorway, waiting patiently. "Sorry I'm early, let's get to work," Marzia said without a pleasant greeting.

"Listen, I'm really sorry for what happened. I was being a dick, and I shouldn't have treated you like that." Felix solemnly apologized. "It was really rude of me to grab your hair, pound your head against the desk, swear at you, etc."  Felix ran his fingers through his hair. "Well, thank you for apologizing. I guess I forgive you." Marzia's eyes fluttered shyly. "But, this is your second chance, and you only get three. The only reason why I'm even forgiving you right now is because of this stupid project." Marzia huffed.

"Thanks a million. Let's go to my room, and work, now that we got that outta the way." Felix awkwardly shuffled. They sat down on the floor and worked quietly for a few hours together. They only talked to exchange small pieces of advice on how to improve. "You know what?" Felix said out of the blue, "Tell me something about yourself." "Me?" Marzia cocked her eyebrow. "Yes, you, who else? The computer?" Felix laughed at his own dumb joke (if you could even call it that).

"Well whatever. I guess I'll tell you what I like to do. I like to read, I'm actually a model, I kinda hate it, and I like to shop. Basic, I know." Marzia sighed. "That's pretty neat!" Felix complimented. "Can I ask you a question?" Marzia asked. "Sure, what is it?" Felix replied. "How do live in an apartment when you're only 17?" I make so much money from my modelling gigs and I STILL can't even afford to rent a studio flat!" Marzia exclaimed. 

"Well you see, one day, my parents were threatening to hit my sister and we decided to run away. My parents were always assholes, but I just couldn't let them disrespect my little sis like that you know? We went to the park, where I called up my buddy Phil and asked him to pick me up. He did, and I asked if I could live with him. He agreed, and we made a deal: he'll let me stay with him until I turn 18 in a few months, and when I get a job, I'll pay him back some rent bill fees, all of the money he's lent me, and all of the money I owe him for bailing me outta jail."

"Wow, that's a long story," Marzia exclaimed. "I'm really sorry though, damn.""It's fine. I'm away from them now, and they won't bother to look for me since I'm 17. What about your parents?" Felix asked. "Oh, my parents?" Marzia nervously answered. "Yeah!" Felix said. "Well, I don't know if I should open up about this.." Marzia hesitated.

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