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"So how much for this whole bag?" Steven hesitantly asked. "Only £50." Felix simply answered. "Wow, that's cheap, I'll buy it!" Steven said as he handed Felix the money. "Thanks! So tell me about yourself, Steven, where do you work?" Felix asked. "Oh, I work at Buzzfeed as a show host!" Steven replied.

"Really? For what show?" Felix asked. "Worth It. I don't know whether you've heard of it or not..." Steven shuffled. "Oh yeah! The food show!" Felix suddenly remembered. "Yeah, the one with Andrew my co-host haha." Steven nervously laughed. "Why are you guys here now?" Felix asked. "Oh, we're filming an episode taste testing tea," Steven answered. "That's cool! Can't wait to watch it!" Felix smiled. "Thanks! Anyway, I gotta go before someone finds me here. Cya!" Steven waved at Felix as he walked out of the remote alleyway.


By the time Felix got home, it was a day later, and 1:00 A.M. He slowly opened the front door, and crept to the lounge where he set up a temporary sleeping spot earlier. He expected that Phil got off work and went to bed, but he was wrong. Instead, Felix found Phil aggressively making out with Dan on the very spot he was going to sleep. Felix stopped in his tracks, and crept the other way instead. He didn't know where else to sleep, so he just slept on the carpet in the dining area.


When Felix opened his eyes, his back hurt, and he was freezing. He slowly got up and checked on the time displayed on the microwave. 8:30 A.M. "Oh shit, I'm gonna be late!" Felix panicked. He quickly brushed his teeth, slipped on new clothes from Phil's dresser, and rushed to his bedroom to check on Marzia. Marzia was sleeping peacefully, not having a care in the world. 

He didn't want Marzia to skip school since it would ruin her attendance entirely. Being late was already bad enough. He went up to her and shook her gently. "Marzia, wake up, we gotta go to school!" Felix said. "Hmm?" Marzia eyes slowly opened. "We're late! We gotta go!" Felix explained. "Wh-What? Where am I?" She yawned.

"You passed out a few days ago and I put you to bed," Felix told. "Oh... WAIT WHAT?!" Marzia screamed. "WE'RE LATE!!" Felix loudly said again. "OH GOD!" Marzia sprung out of bed, grabbed her makeup bag, and rushed to the bathroom. Felix shrugged and went to Phil's wardrobe to pick out an outfit for her, since her clothes were dirty.

He chose a black hoodie with a pug on it, a belt, and baggy blue jeans. "I hope this is fine.." He thought. He rushed to his room to place the outfit on the floor. Marzia ran out of the bathroom with a fresh face of makeup on. "I brought you some clothes to change into." Felix handed her the outfit.

"Thanks, I'll give it back tomorrow." Marzia weakly smiled. While she went back to the bathroom to change, Felix gathered up her stuff and organized it neatly into her backpack. He did so for himself too. By the time Marzia got out of the bathroom and was ready, the time was already 8:40.  Marzia looked gorgeous; her hair was in a high ponytail, and the outfit Felix picked out looked great on her.

"Thank you so much, Felix, my parents are gonna kill me, literally, but your generosity helps numb the pain a bit." She grinned at him. "No problem. We gotta go." Felix escorted her to the front door. "You're welcome anytime." He genuinely smiled. 

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