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"I don't want you to feel sorry for me or anything.." Marzia continued. "Go on," Felix said uncertainly. "Well, here goes: my parents are abusive. They beat me up and stuff, I have bruises everywhere. They force me to do everything, and I'm really sick of it-" Marzia choked back tears, "I don't know why I'm telling you this. I guess it's because I don't really want to worry my close friends. I don't know. I'm just so tired of having to be perfect all the dang time and it's so stressful-" Before Felix knew it, Marzia shed a tear. And another one. And another one. Until she cried enough tears to create an entire ravenous river.  

Felix just sat there awkwardly and silently, patting his arm on her back. "I'm so sorry, I'm just losing my damn mind." Marzia sobbed. "It's okay," Felix reassured. "No, it's not okay, because my siblings don't do shit and I have to go home and face my parents again and I just don't want to. I want to fucking die! I have to fake my identity every day and I'm so sick of it and I want to be who I really am, not some preppy-seemingly-stuck-up bitch." Marzia blubbered.

"Holy shit, if I would have known what you deal with, I wouldn't have touched you. I'm so sorry." Felix said, wide-eyed. "You know what Felix? That's rather shitty of you to say. People shouldn't have to have a tragic ass backstory to be respected." Marzia huffed. "That's true." Felix murmured. 

"At least I know now you're more compassionate and sophisticated than I initially thought." Marzia half-heartily said. "Thank you. You know what, you should stay over for dinner. Or spend the night." Felix offered. "Are you dense? My parents would kill me!" Marzia's entire body started to shake. "Holy fuck, are you okay?" Felix panicked.

"Yeah-I-I-I'm having-a-a-p-anic-a-a-ttack." Marzia stuttered. "Oh my god." Felix looked in horror. "N-n-no." Marzia fell back, and slipped out of consciousness. "Marzia?" Felix shook her body, "MARZIA?" No response. "PHIL! PHIL! DIAL 999!" Felix yelled. "What? I'm going to work soon!" Phil answered. "Oh god-" Felix ran his hands through his hair, panicking. 

"What's wrong Felix?" Fanny rushed to his side. "M-marzia fainted," Felix said. "Who?" Fanny cocked an eyebrow. "The girl on the floor. I didn't introduce her to you yet." Felix replied. Fanny's eyes glanced at Marzia's still body lying on the ground. "Is she alive?" Fanny started to cry. "Probably. Just blacked out." Felix began to calm down. Fanny ran out of the room. 

Felix sighed and lifted Marzia off the ground. He rested her body onto his bed, and pulled a blanket over her shoulders. He grabbed a bottle of water from the kitchen, and put it on the bedside table just in case she woke up. He grabbed a pillow, another blanket, and made a spot on the couch.


He checked the time, 4:30. He decided Marzia wasn't going to wake up for a few hours (or more), so he finished up the final portion of their project, and turned on the TV. He decided to watch an episode of this Korean cooking show he's been interested in. Fanny grabbed a bucket of Malteasers from the fridge and sat down next to Felix. "Don't eat all of those, you'll get sick," Felix warned. Fanny stuck her tongue out. He rolled his eyes.

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