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When Felix got home, he instantly ran to his room. He avoids his parents at all times. He doesn't want to be faced with the look of disappointment they give him every time he tries to strike up a casual conversation. He opened his computer to try and finish the rest of his essay for his project with Marzia. As he's avidly typing, he hears someone knock on his door.

"FELIX! FELIX!" His little sister, Fanny, cries while pounding on his door, "HELP! MOMMY AND DADDY ARE GONNA HIT ME!" Felix rushes to answer the door. He opens it quickly. "FELIX YOU PUNK, YOU BETTER NOT HIDE HER, OR YOU'RE GONNA GET BEAT TOO!" His Mum screams. Felix grabbed Fanny's arm and dragged her inside. He closed the door (and locked it) right before his Mum had the chance to barge into his room.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Felix asked as he held Fanny. "Ma-Ma-Ma-Mum was gonna hit me a lot with her spoon." Fanny said in between sniffs. "YOU TWO BETTER GET YOUR ASSES OUT HERE RIGHT NOW OR I'M CALLING YOUR FATHER!" Felix's Mum roared while banging on the door. "CALL HIM! WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT!" Felix barked. "DON'T GET SMART WITH ME MISTER!" Felix's Mum screamed.

"We gotta get out of here." Felix panicked. "How?" Fanny wondered, "Not by the window! I hate heights!" "We don't really have any other option.." Felix justified. "Uhh. Okay then." Fanny nervously agreed. Felix opened his window. "Fanny, go onto my back." Felix squatted down. "Okay!" She hitched herself onto him quickly.

"Don't let go okay?" Felix said. "Okay okay let's hurry up before Mummy breaks down the door!" Fanny rushed. Felix then heard his Mum kicking the door in rage. Felix carefully slid off the wall and onto the roof. Felix scanned his surroundings and devised a plan. "Okay so, I'm gonna grab the hose and hold onto it while you'll be able to slide down and land onto the grass." He told Fanny.

"Okay." She agreed. "I'll help you get the hose." Felix held Fanny's ankles while she tried to reach the hose. "Almost-there!" Felix grunted. "I got it! Lift me up!" Fanny said. Felix proceeded to help Fanny up, and he told Fanny to give him the hose. "Okay so, now you're gonna grab this, slide down, and land on the grass," Felix ordered. Fanny did as told, and landed on the grass nicely. "What about you?" Fanny asked. "I'm just gonna jump, I'm bigger and it's not too far," Felix said.

"Wait! I forgot Berry! Can you go back to my room and grab Berry for me?" Fanny panicked. "Ugh fine!" Felix groaned. Fanny refuses to go ANYWHERE without Berry. Berry is a stuffed white bunny Great Grandma Agnes made for her before she died. Fanny and Agnes were the best of friends, Fanny even told Felix she loves Agnes more than her actual Mum. 

Felix climbed back up the side of the house and found her room. He jumped in, searched around, and finally found the bunny inside of her purple backpack under her bed. He decided to bring the backpack too (for food), and he jumped out of the window once again. "FANNY, CATCH!" He threw the backpack at Fanny.

Fanny caught it mid-air and yelled, "HURRY! I SEE DAD'S CAR!" Felix then mindlessly jumped off the roof, and landed on the grass, back first. "FELIX! HURRY!" Fanny yelled. Felix then saw his Dad's car pull onto the driveway. Felix got up, briskly brushed himself off, and ran as fast as he could.

"FANNY! COME HERE!" Felix yelled. "I'M COMING!" Fanny panted. "Let me carry you, you're too slow!" Felix insisted. Felix lifted Fanny up onto his shoulders and he picked up her backpack. "Hold on to my neck! Not too hard though!" Felix instructed. Fanny did as she was told and held on for dear life.

Felix took off running, as soon as he heard his Dad scream, "YOU KIDS GET RIGHT BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Felix ran as fast as he could to the nearest park so he could stop for water. As soon as Felix arrived at his desired destination, he set down Fanny and ran to the fountain. After getting water, he checked his pockets for anything useful. 

He found his phone, his portable phone charger, £10, earphones, and his library card. "Well, we don't have much.." Felix sighed. "Felix, how long are we gonna be gone?" Fanny asked. "I don't know." Felix confessed, "All I know is that we're not going back home anytime soon."

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