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After watching TV for hours, and talking to Fanny, Felix decided it was time for her to go to bed. He tucked her in, read her a story, and kissed her goodnight. He went to his room to grab his backpack quietly. He brought it to the lounge and rummaged through it to find anything he could sell. He found about 30 grams of weed inside of a plastic bag he bought from a dealer at school. Since he didn't smoke weed a lot, he figured he could probably go out and sell it in a fairly distant alleyway, so it would be harder for the police to find him. He decided he could just go that very night, so he checked on Fanny and Marzia one last time, and trekked out the door.


"Phil?" Dan asked. "What?" Phil answered, concerned. He unlocked the door to the flat and walked in. "We need to talk," Dan said, his eyes full of tears. "Let's go to my room." Phil led Dan to his room. Once they arrived, Phil closed the door and sat on his bed. Dan followed. "What are we?" He asked. "Friends with benefits?" Phil said, uncertain. "No. No. Just, no." Dan held back even more tears.

"What-" "Phil, I love you so much, I can't stand being just friends at all. I want people to know we are together and dating and I know it's hard because you're not out yet-" Dan rambled. "Dan, I don't know if I'm ready. I love you too, but a relationship is too much for me right now.." Phil stared at Dan's glassy eyes. "But we can make it work, I swear, Phil, I can't take this.." Dan sobbed.

"Maybe we just shouldn't be together then.." Phil suggested. "Phil no-" Dan cried. "It's what's best." Phil decided. "Please Phil, I'd do anything just to be with you. We can't just break up." Dan argued. "Dan, I'm not ready to be in a relationship right now, and you need to respect that." Phil firmly said. "But Phil-" "No buts-" "CAN YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE?" Dan yelled.

"I am listening! And be quiet, you'll wake Fanny-" "NO YOU'RE NOT, YOU NEVER DO, IT'S ALWAYS WHAT YOU WANT AND HOW YOU'RE FEELING AND WHETHER YOU'RE READY AND I'M TIRED!" Dan said while tears rushed down his face. Phil was silent. "I can't be forced into a relationship like this Dan. It's not that I don't want to be with you, It's just that I'm not available to be emotionally supportive right now because I'm busy and I don't want you to feel like shit. When we do get together I want to be as good as a partner as I possibly can and right now I'm not in the position to do that. If we do get together, I want it to be serious, and I want to treat you as best as I can." Phil finalized.

"Phil, I don't care about you being perfect, I just want to be officially committed to you and you only. I don't care if you work late or can't pay attention to me at all times." Dan protested for the last time. "Really?" Phil eyes welled up. "Really." Dan smiled. "Well then, I guess we should. Dan, will you go out with me?" Phil asked. "Yes!" Dan hugged him. "I guess we kinda had the big argument for nothing huh?" Phil laughed. "Yep." Dan grinned.

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