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"Hey Marzia! Why are you late?" Bunny asked as Marzia sat next to her. "I woke up late." Marzia didn't mention anything that happened the day before. "Oh. Well anyway, there's this rumour going around that you slept over at one of the bad boy's house yesterday. So stupid right?" Bunny laughed. 

"Yeah! The stuff people make up is so ridiculous right?" Marzia fake laughed. "Ugh. Also, cool outfit! The jeans look cute on you! Where didja get it?" Bunny innocently asked. "Oh, uh, um, I-I went shopping yesterday!" Marzia lied through her teeth. "Sweet! What else didja buy?" "Just more clothes, nothing too expensive.." Marzia trailed off.


"Felix, wanna do a line?" Mark asked. "Nah." Felix declined. "Why? Too scared?" Mark teased. "I just don't feel like it," Felix said. "Whatever, I'll do it myself... WITHOUT you then!" Mark huffed. Felix scoffed. Suddenly, he saw Marzia walk by with her friends. "Hey!" Felix said, and winked.

She giggled, smiled back, and walked away. "Oooooh, who's she?" Jack wiggled his eyebrows. "Just a girl.." Felix lied. "Say, isn't that Marzia? The goodie-two-shoes girl?" Ken asked. "Maybe.." Felix shrugged. "Wow! Who knew, opposites attract?" Dan smirked. "Shut up." Felix shyly blushed. "You do like her!" Chris teased. "I do not!" Felix straightened up. "Yes, he does!" Jack slapped Felix on the back. The entire group laughed while mercilessly teasing Felix. "Okay fine! I might like her! Just a little bit!" Felix admitted. "See guys! I told ya so!" Chris said.


Once the bell rang, Felix decided he should go to his physics class, since Marzia was going to be there too. When he walked through the door, he immediately notices Marzia and her friend, Daizo, huddled next to each other, whispering, and looking at Felix every so often. 

Felix shook it off and sat down behind them. They noticed, and began talking even quieter. He didn't pay attention, and began copying down the notes on the chalkboard. "He sounds nice for a bad boy." Daizo noticed. "Yeah, I think I'm starting to like him," Marzia admitted. "You should go talk to him during lunch! Get to know him!" Daizo suggested. "Good idea!" Marzia agreed. After the bell rang, Marzia went ahead to her next class, while Felix met with his friends to smoke somewhere they wouldn't get caught. 

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