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Once the bell rang for lunch, Marzia rushed out of class to go talk to Felix. She walked over to the area Felix's group always hung out at, since she figured that's where he'd be. She was wrong. He wasn't there at all. She saw Dan, Phil, Chris, Ken, PJ, but no Felix. Confused, Marzia started walking to the next best place, outside, but she was stopped by Brad before she made any significant progress.

"Hey, Marzia! Where are ya heading to?" Brad asked. "Oh, I'm going to see Felix!" She smiled at the thought of him. "Why?" Brad looked disgusted. "Well, I was going to go talk to him for a few minutes or so." She replied, concerned, "What's the problem?" "Felix is a cheating, lying scumbag Marzia. Don't let yourself fall for someone like him." Brad said.

"I-I don't like him-" Marzia protested. "Yes, you do. Daizo told me." Brad recalled. "Listen, be careful. I don't want you to get hurt. He's a druggie, white trash loser, with no future, okay?" Brad warned. "Okay, bye!" Marzia waved him off and walked away. "Maybe I should listen to Brad, he's like a brother to me! But what if he's totally wrong.." Marzia wondered.


She finally found Felix sitting under a tree, shaded by the rare sunshine, smoking a cigarette. "Hey." She smiled at him. "Hey." He said as the smoke he just blew out of his lungs dissipated in the air. "How's it going?" She asked as she sat right next to him. "Good. Just relaxing. What about you?" He asked. "I'm tired." She admitted as she yawned. 

"You can sleep if you want." Felix casually said. "Nah." She slowly put her head on his shoulder and wrapped her hand around his. Felix was shocked, since he usually made the first move, but he didn't protest. "So are you gonna go back to your parent's house tonight?" He asked. "I'm gonna have to." Her eyes welled up at the thought of her miserable parents. 

"I'll take you home. If they try anything, I'm gonna beat the lights out of 'em." Felix said as smoke blew out of his nose. "No, please, they can't help it." She pleaded. "No, I'm not letting anyone disrespect you." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She didn't answer. She just stared at the clouds in dismay.  Felix smoked the last of his stud, threw it on the grass, and closed his eyes.


They both woke up to a clap of thunder and lightning. "Dis England weather is madness." Marzia sleepily got up. "I know right." Felix groggily took off his windbreaker jacket. "Wear this." He instructed her. "No, you keep it." She protested. "Did I give you a choice?" Felix said as he tried his best to look stern.

"Fine then, thank you." Marzia's eyes lit up. "No problem." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders again after she put on the jacket, and they ran to the school building. "Hey, Marzia! Over here!" Emma Blackery waved. They ran to her quickly. "Where were you?" Emma Pickles asked.

"With this weirdo." Marzia smiled as she pointed at Felix. "Oh wow!" Bunny shook Felix's hand, "You must be Marzia's new Boyfriend she never told me about! Felix right?" "Uh yes, I mean, no, well, maybe so-" Felix answered. "What he's trying to say is, no, he's not my boyfriend, but yes, his name is Felix." Marzia clarified. "I can see." Brad glared. 

"Anyway, we have to go, nice meeting you!" Felix smiled. "He's right, bye guys!" Marzia glared at Brad back, and walked away with Felix, hand in hand. Her friends chatted with excitement, but Brad just rolled his eyes and tried not to cry as the love of his life walked away with another man. 

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