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Felix decided to sit down on a bench and think of what to do. He's turning 18 in a few months, so until then he could stay at his friend Phil's flat. However, Felix knows Phil is fine with having Felix, but Felix doesn't know Phil's reaction if he includes Fanny. Felix wanted to find out, so he called him.

"Phil, I need a big favour." Felix told Phil. "Why, what is it?" Phil asked. "Can I live with you for a few months? It's a long story, I'll tell you later-" "Uhh, I don't know. Are your parents okay with it?" Phil hesitated. "That's the thing.." Felix trailed off. "Okay so, I'll pick you up at wherever you're at right now, and you'll tell me tonight. Deal?" Phil offered.

"Deal." Felix agreed. Felix told Phil where he was and hung up the phone. "Felix, what's going on?" Fanny asked. "My friend Phil is gonna pick us up, and we're gonna be staying at his flat until I turn 18," Felix answered. "What if Mum and Dad find us? How am I gonna go to school? What about my clothes?" Fanny loaded Felix with questions.

"I'll figure that out later okay?" Felix attempted to reassure. Fanny shrugged and continued playing on the playground with Berry. Felix just listened to music on his phone while sitting on a bench. "Hey, look at the loser loner playing all by herself!" A group of boys approached Fanny. "Leave me alone!" Fanny stood up and pleaded.

Fanny was way shorter than the boys, but she didn't care. "I'm 8 years old! You can't tell me what to do!" Fanny shouted. "Oh wow! I'm so spooked! A little girl!" The boys laughed. "Nerd!" A boy said, and right afterwards, shoving Fanny to the dirt. "Hey! Meanie!" Fanny held back tears. "We're gonna rip apart your stupid rabbit ugly!" One of the boys picked up her rabbit and started dragging and shoving it in the mud. "Leave Barry alone!" Fanny cried. "Ha ha ha ha ha! That's what you get for being dumb!" The boys taunted.

One boy started punching and kicking Fanny, and soon after, the other boys followed. She struggled and fought, but it did no good. They started peeling off her clothes and pulling her hair.  She had enough and screamed as loud as she could. "AAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Felix recognized her voice immediately and saw what was happening. "HEY! YOU BRATS GET OFF MY SISTER!" Felix yelled.

The boys heard Felix yell and ran away. "Fanny! Are you okay?" Felix ran to her. "Where's Berry?" She cried. Felix saw Berry in the mud. He lifted him up and handed him to Fanny. "Oh my god. What did they do to you? Where are your clothes?" Felix cried. "I don't know." Fanny blubber. Felix saw Phil's car pull up near the pavement. "We gotta go, Phil's here. Your clothes are over here." Felix slid back on Fanny's muddy shirt and dungarees. Felix put Berry back in Fanny's backpack, and held Fanny's hand as they both walked to Phil's car.

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