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As Felix slowly approached Marzia's house, he felt more and more eerie. It was pretty, but he knew the memories associated with it weren't. "Well, I gotta go." She sadly smiled. "Bye." He waved, even though he really wasn't going to leave. He was going to pretend to leave, crawl inside of a bush by a window, watch her parents, and punch anyone if needed. As he pretended to walk away, he texted Phil.

Felix: I'll be home late tonight. Feed Fanny.

Phil: Okay!

He shut off his phone, and began the first step of his plan. He found a bush perfectly placed in front of a window that offered a perfect view into the lounge, where Marzia's parents were. He snuck inside of it, careful not to make too much noise, and carefully watched. Her Dad was sitting in an armchair reading the newspaper. He had a belt beside him. Her Mum rushed to a room upstairs.

After Marzia closed the front door, she slowly crept to where her Dad was. She stood in silence until she managed to say, "H-Hey-Hey Dad". "What the hell is wrong with you?" He stood up, threw the paper onto the ground, and grabbed his belt. "I-I-I-I-" She was lost for words.

Even though Felix was watching all of this through a bush, he could tell her eyes were full of terror.  Marzia's siblings came out of the kitchen to see what was going on, then quickly realized what was happening. "STUPID BITCH!" Marzia's Dad struck her arm with the belt. Marzia yelped. Felix was enraged. Marzia's Dad struck her again, and again, until she started crying.

He yanked her beautiful hair and banged her head against the wall. Felix had enough. He slowly climbed out of the bush, and slowly crept up to the door. He kicked it open and stormed towards Marzia. Her Dad stopped.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!" He threw the belt in the air on accident. Felix caught it before Marzia's Dad did. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU NEED TO KNOW?!" Felix roared. He hit Marzia's Dad in the head with the belt. His glasses flew away, and he fell back. Felix kicked him, and punched him in the face repeatedly while Marzia's siblings stared in shock.

Marzia ran out right after her Mum came running downstairs. "WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON?!" Marzia's Mum shrieked.  "YOUR HUSBAND HAS BEEN ABUSING YOUR DAUGHTER WHILE YOU WERE CURLING YOUR DAMN HAIR!" Felix cried.  Marzia's Mum looked horrified.

"Who the fuck are you?" She asked. "You don't need to know. I'm calling 999 on you fuckers. I hope you'll be in prison for the rest of your life." Felix whipped out his phone. Before he could finish dialling the number, Marzia's Mum whacked it out of his hand, and stepped on it, smashing the screen to smithereens.

"No, you won't." She deathly glared into Felix's eyes. Felix looked at the children, who were still in shock, back at Felix's Mum, and ran to the landline. Marzia's Mum ran after him. As soon as he got to the phone, he kicked her with all of his might, and dialed the number. "Hello, this is 999 speaking how may I help you?" The lady on the other end calmly asked.

"Hi, my girl-I mean good friend was beaten by her psychotic father, who is now unconscious, and I need the police to come arrest him and his wife who is also an abuser." Felix spoke while trying to keep away Marzia's Mum. "Okay sir-" Felix gave the woman the address where Marzia's house was, and she said the police would arrive in 5 minutes. He thanked her and hung up the phone.

"NOOOOOOOO-" Marzia's Mum screamed. Felix kicked her again, and she fell back. All of the kids were huddled up in the corner crying. Felix ran past them and opened the door. "MARZIA! MARZIA! WHERE ARE YOU?" He yelled. "I-I'm sitting right here," Marzia whispered. Felix saw she had her head buried in her knees. 

"Marzia? Marzia? Get up, the police are coming." Felix held out his hand, which was covered in blood. She lifted her head up. Her eyes were red and full of tears. Her makeup was smeared, and she looked pale. She took Felix's bloody hand, got up, and hugged him. "Thank you."

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