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Drake Merwin strode through Coates as though  he owned it.
   Well, now he supposed he did, considering the fact there were no adults to stop him. He and Caine.
Although Caine had been too soft lately.That witch Diana's fault, most likely.
   Drake took a few moments to survey his latest brilliance. The freaks of Coates, hands encased in blocks of cement. His idea for unloyal freaks was, if he said so himself,genius.

    An unusual figure, stalking like a predator, appeared through the fog covering Coates. As the figure approached, he could make out some details. A rake-thin girl, about 14,with too much ice in her eyes. Fire burning behind her? No.
  She was on fire. Not in pain, not screaming for help, but that fire seemed to obey her. Fire that did not burn the ground she walked on.
A flaming crown atop her platinum blonde hair. Chin raised as though she were royalty. In this messed-up world, maybe she was. He snorted. She'd look good in a cement block. Drake took the time to survey her again.
Power emitting from her, unmissable and god, she was powerful. Not just powers, but power. Drake got the feeling that anyone, including him perhaps, would jump into a river just hoping to get closer to her, hear her siren song.
More power than Caine in both aspects, it seemed. Drake wasn't entirely sure why he was comparing them.
  She was about five meters away. His breath caught in his throat as he saw her icy blue, near steel grey eyes. Twin to his own cold, empty gunmetal ones.
  Beauty was a weapon she utilised with incredible success, he thought.
Although, a thought latched onto his brain and would not let go - if she was fire, why were her blue eyes filled with such quiet, deadly ice?
The thought was soon lost as the fiery girl came to a stop close to him. So close... so close that he could have reached out and touched her. Then her flames faltered and the ice in her eyes melted and he saw the damage inflicted upon her. Damage it was. Skin scarred with both large and small marks. Back torn up and bloody, from what he could see through her ripped white t-shirt and torn jeans. A whip? Torture of some kind, he knew. One thing he admired, albeit grudgingly, was the sheer burning defiance alight in her eyes. This was a girl who would not retreat no matter the consequences.
"Who looks worse - you or whoever did this to you?" was the question that escaped Drake's mouth. Nice introduction.
A lazy half smile from her.
"Well, considering the person who did this to me was burned alive, I'd have to say him, despite what I might look like."
The girl's cultured and articulate yet powerful words raised a laugh out of Drake.
Her expression turned from smiling to frantic so quickly Drake wasn't sure he could have seen it if he was not noting every aspect of her.
"I need help. Now. As you can see, I'm in bad shape. I can offer you riches. I can give you power. Powers, if that's what you're after. Food, gold, money, respect, revenge or whatever. But if you do not help me, Drake, I still have enough energy to fry you to a crisp."
He wondered how she'd known his name. He opened his mouth to ask that very thing, when she spoke first.
"You can call me Lillian or Lilith.And I know your name because I can see it. Your mind is like an open door. And I am free to go in and out as I please. Now, are you going to help me or not?" Lillian snapped.
A response was immediately at his lips but he forced it back. He'd have to be careful. Caine would not be happy if this girl - Lillian- was faking. Then again, when was a happy Caine that different from an unhappy Caine to him?Drake weighed the options and decided.
"Through here," was his response. Good enough for Lillian, apparently, who followed him without question as Drake strode through Coates once more. Caine. He'd take her to Caine. They continued in stoic silence until they reached him, although he could have sworn Lillian snuck glances at him whenever she thought Drake wasn't looking.
    Caine took one look at her and one look at Drake then called for some nobody to fetch him medical supplies.
  "If you're not worth it," he started, but Lillian was quick.
"Oh, I am," she interrupted with a shark's grin, holding out her hand for him to shake. "Lillian or Lilith, whichever you prefer. It's nice to meet you," Lillian smiled.
"And I most certainly am worth it,Caine Soren."
  Caine withdrew his hand from hers as quick as lightning.
He threw an accusing look Drake's way, which was met with casual indifference.
As soon as Lillian was led to what counted as the medical bay by one of Coates' numerous students, Caine rounded on Drake.
"Exactly how much did you tell this girl? She knows my full name," Caine ground out.
"Nothing. She knows my name too. Apparently she can do that. Caine...that power.. it seemed to radiate off her. Couldn't...couldn't you feel it?" Drake gushed.
Caine snapped," So you're with Lilith now? After all this, Drake, and you're going to leave me for some random girl you don't even know. I know you want power, but this? Too far. In a month, we'll barely have enough supplies to keep ourselves from being hurt. And if some kids from Perdido Beach have powers too and show up here, Lilith will run and we will be fighting."
  Drake didn't bother to point out the irony that Lillian had sworn to help them and all Caine was doing was sitting around complaining.
  Still, Caine was his friend and Lillian could be lying for all Drake knew. Somehow, thought, he knew she wasn't. That worried him.
  "I'm not saying I trust her." He did. "I'm just saying she said she'd help. With anything. I know she's got the power to do it, I've seen it,so now it's only the matter of what to get. She could be a tool. A weapon, the best one we've got" - Caine side-eyed him at that- "apart from us."
"What do you mean, you've seen it?" Caine questioned.
"Flames. Fire. All over her, but she wasn't burning. She controlled the fire. Then she let it stop," Drake described, still a little in awe although he wouldn't care to verbally admit it.
A pensive expression took hold of Caine's face.
"Keep an eye on her, Drake. With that power maybe Lilith will get it into her head that she should be running things."
Drake nodded his approval. The dismissal was clear and angering. Despite it, he turned on his heel and left, saying nothing. Heading to the medical bay. Heading to Lillian.

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