The Monster and The Healer

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~~~~84 hours, 41 minutes~~~DRAKE~~~~

"Hold him down!" Diana yelled.
The sound of her voice was far off. Drake Merwin heard it bubbling up through a red scream that filled his brain.
Screaming, screaming, screaming everywhere, all through his brain, from a million mouths, rising and falling, gasping for breath.
"I can hold him," another faraway voice said. Caine. "Back away on three. One...two..."
Drake flailed madly, unbound, shrieking, thrashing, hurting himself but unable to stop.
The pain...he had never felt anything like it, had never imagined anything could be like it.
A force pressed down on him like a thousand hands holding him with firm pressure.
"You have the saw?" he heard Diana ask. Her voice was not smug now, not smug at all, but raw and horrified.
Drake thought that her expression would be much the same- too bad he couldn't see it.
Drake struggled against the invisible force, but Caine had him pinned down with all his telekinetic power. Drake could only scream and curse, and could barely move his facial muscles enough for that.
"I am not doing this," a third voice protested, weeping. "I'm not sawing off his arm, man."
The words sent a shock of terror to join the pain. His arm? They were...
No. No. No.
Where was Lily? Where was she? Why wasn't she here, why wasn't she healing him?
Everything he'd said to her...
Trying not to turn around as he hid his tears...
He hadn't wanted to lose her.
And he'd driven her to go.

There was no hope, no healer, no-
But there is.
"He'll kill me if I do it," the third voice, which he'd now identified as Panda, argued.
"I'm not doing it," various voices chimed in. "No way."
"I'll do it," Diana relented, disgusted. "You're all such big tough guys. Give me the saw."
"No, no, no!" Drake screeched.
The girl, the healer, Lana.
"It's the only way to stop the pain," Caine said, almost showing some emotion, some pity.
"The arm is done for, Drake-man," Caine finished.
"The girl...the freak..." Drake gasped. "She could fix it."
"Lily isn't here, Drake. She might be...dead," Diana sighed.
Her name was a strike to the chest, a knife in the back, a kiss on the cheek.
He shook his head. No, not my...not the one I...
"Lana's not here," Caine said bitterly. "Went along with Sam and the others."
"Don't cut off my arm," Drake cried. "Let me die. Just let me die. Shoot me."
Let me be with her, if she's dead. Let me die with her. I don't want to live.
"Sorry," Caine said, though he didn't sound it. "But I still need you, Drake. Even one-handed."
There was the sound of someone bursting into the room. "All I could find was Tylenol and Advil," Computer Jack got out in a panicked rush.
"Let's get this over with," Diana snapped.
Impatient to maim him. Looking forwards to it.
"You do this, he's going to kill you," Panda warned.
"Oh, Drake's already decided he wants to do that," Diana said breezily. "Tighten the tourniquet."
"He's going to bleed to death if you're not careful," Jack warned. "There must be big arteries in his arm."
It sounded like something Lily would have said.


"He's right," Caine said. "We need a way to seal the stump."
No, no, no.
"It's already cauterised," Diana responded. "I just need to cut below the burn."
"Yeah, OK," Caine agreed. The elephant-like pressure on his right side decreased, but the left stayed. He wondered if he could kill someone through that. Probably not.
"Nobody cuts my arm," Drake rasped. "I'll kill anyone who touches me."
Diana's face was now inches from his, her dark hair hanging down on his tear-streaked face.
"Listen, you idiot," Diana snapped. "We're cutting off the pain. As long as that burned stump is there, you'll be like this, screaming and crying and wetting your pants. Yeah, you've peed yourself, Drake."
Somehow, that fact shocked him into silence.
"Your only hope is that we cut off the dead part of your arm and do it without starting the bleeding again."
He shook his head, tears blurring his vision.
Diana pulled back, out of Drake's view, but he saw her nodding at Panda.

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