Favours and Fire

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Sam frowned. "Owed you what?"
  "Three favours," Edilio said, crossing the room in swift strides to stand next to Sam,"for any of us who called her and asked."
  Sam felt that treacherous hope rise in his chest. There was a chance. They had a chance. They had to fight Caine and face Drake but Lillian offered a way out. If they were careful.....
  Three favours could last them a lifetime and three favours from Lilith? Priceless.
"Don't suppose we can wish for more wishes?" Quinn half-joked.

Sam could practically see the gears turning in Astrid's mind. He was trying to work it out himself. One for fighting Caine if they needed it. Maybe it could be a joint wish, how to beat the poof and fighting Caine. One in case anyone got hurt..or worse. And even...even though in the FAYZ, hope was dangerous, hope got you killed....
  Sam hoped that that very last wish could be to bring down the barrier. He knew the consequences might be worse than life in the FAYZ but... it was worth a try, he supposed.
"So do we stay here or escape from the coyotes?" Quinn enquired cluelessly.
  Sam was tempted to run, run before the coyotes gathered and swarmed them. Lilith's dagger hadn't failed them yet. Honestly? Sam didn't think it would. Incredibly useful, that deadly knife. But could they trust it? Lilith herself was a double edged sword. Who was to say that the dagger wouldn't break or melt or-
  They had no choice now. No choice. A chorus of excited snarls and yapping could be heard clearly from behind the reinforced door.  
Tick tock. Lilith's warning to him this morning rang in his head like a bell. Tick tock.
A snarling, high-pitched voice came from behind the door. "Come out. Human. The Darkness says human will teach."
Lana's face showed pure, undiluted fear. The Darkness? What in hell was that and why was Lana so afraid of it?
"Tell your master in the mine I'm not teaching you anything!" Lana shouted back, but her voice trembled. Mine?
"The mine? Lana, what's a mine got to do with anything?" Sam asked reluctantly. He didn't want to pry, but this seemed important.
"Nothing. Old gold mine. The coyotes took me there," Lana replied. A loud thump at the door caught all of the group's attention. Lana retreated to the kitchen to grab a kitchen knife. Sam readied his own - Lillian's - dagger.
A second thump sounded. The door rattled on its hinges.
Sam's voice shook when he said,"Let's find more nails, Edilio."

The Coates Academy dining hall was unfamiliar to Lily, but already she knew it was not a friendly place. It attempted to be inviting with tall windows, round tables decorated with papier-mâché centrepieces and a mosaic, but failed miserably.
Lily strolled in with Jack awkwardly following after her and ordered,"Get on the table, Andrew." She pointed to one of the round tables in front of the mosaic and gave him a glare that could wither stone.
Andrew, apparently, had learned to be wary and did so quickly and without complaint, using a chair to climb up to the rather large table. "Why..." he started but trailed off at her glare.
"Drake. Tie him up. Jack, start setting up. Caine, stay out of my way," Lily ordered calmly.
At the authoritative voice, a few Coates kids looked into the dining hall. "Piss off," Diana told them, sending them scurrying off like the rats they were.

Drake tied one end of the rope around a table leg, measured it, then tied the other side around Andrew's leg. Andrew, luckily for him, didn't protest or question it. Not yet. Jack was setting up the lights and tripods rather successfully, Lily noted. After tying Andrew's other leg, Drake looked to her questioningly. It actually took her a few seconds to reorientate herself and walk over to inspect it.
"Suspended his hands by his wrist. Get..maybe four ropes to run from his neck to four tables. You think that will do?" she asked Drake.
He nodded, already making alterations.
Jack, like the good little coward he was, had already set up all of the cameras. "Five minutes. Is it okay if I start filming?"
"Yeah, go for it Jacky," Lily replied evenly.
Now Andrew was starting to show signs of distress. He pulled at the ropes, but evidently Drake knew how to tie a good knot. They didn't budge so Andrew started wailing for mercy.

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