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The plan was that Lily would act as the "pretty face" of the group, helpful but not to be messed with (something Caine had threatened to kill her over if she screwed it up), Drake the security, Caine the speaker and Diana....
Well, he wasn't really sure what Diana was doing. And he didn't really care either.
Lily had brought the cars with various Coates kids inside them- easily identified by their uniform. Girls with black, pleated skirts, crisp white shirts and knee-high socks paired with black slacks and of course the dull red blazer with the Coates crest (the golden threaded letters C and A, a background of a mountain lion and golden eagle) and the motto (Ad augusta, per angusta- to high places by narrow roads), boys with the same black slacks, white shirts and blazer. Apart from Caine, wearing an obnoxious yellow sweater.
They'd rehearsed driving into Perdido- the four cars would drive down near the church in a procession and Caine would introduce them, then intimidate the kids there.
Drake had already warned the Coates kids to keep the talk with Perdido Beach kids to a minimum.
Perdido would be theirs in no time. Lily, Caine, Diana and Drake piled into a sleek, dark SUV and cruised down to Perdido. It wasn't that long of a drive, honestly, they just needed to make an entrance.
They arrived, the last ones to exit. Caine jumped out, grinning and waving almost shyly.
He ran a hand through his already tousled dark hair. Confidence incarnate, but still humble.
Caine's dark eyes lit up as he began his spiel.
"Hi, everyone. I'm Caine Soren," he started.
Caine honestly seemed nervous. It was a good act, Drake admitted to himself.
"You probably figured out that I.. we are from Coates. Well, either that or we all just have the same bad taste in clothing," Caine joked.
It raised a laugh from some Perdido kids, at least. A blonde girl muttered something to her stoic companion. A Coates kid turned away from Caine.
Drake had missed most of the speech by surveying the crowd, but he caught a scrawny boy ask what happened.
Caine shook his head, his dark hair obscuring most of his calm dark eyes.
Damn. He'd missed Caine's response again.
"-the FAYZ," the scrawny boy was saying.
Caine's expression turned intrigued.
"The phase?" he asked.
"F-A-Y-Z. Fallout Alley Youth Zone," the kid clarified.
A laugh from Caine and some bullshit response. The kid's name was Howard, from what Drake had gathered. Howard was apparently "Captain Orc's number one guy". Whoever that was.
He said to Lily dryly,"Looks like you have some competition."
Of course she didn't. Whoever 'Captain Orc' was, they were definitely not as powerful as the double edged knife called Lillian.
Now, Caine was upping his 'good boy' act- hugging some kid and working his magic, getting the crowd to become determined instead of frightened.
"If that is my competition, I'm sure you shouldn't worry," Lily snorted humorously, nodding her head towards a lumbering oaf with a police helmet and a baseball bat.
Drake fought the urge to outright laugh. Indeed it was 'Captain Orc'. Caine didn't look impressed either, but he hid it well.
A certain "Sam Temple" was now being called by the crowd. Caine's smile slipped off his face but in a millisecond, it returned, brighter than before. Connie Temple had been a nurse at the school before her, ah, unfortunate disappearance. Other names were being chanted now. Diana turned to interrupt Sam, but Lily stopped her with a hand on her arm.
"I'll handle this one," Lily murmured.
Surprisingly, Diana complied and turned to follow after Caine, as did Drake.

"Lilith or Lillian, but you can call me Lily," an incredibly beautiful girl winked at Sam. The girl's white blond hair was striking enough, but paired with her pale blue, almost grey eyes made the 'femme fatale' vibe seem sexier than usual.
Not a recognisable Coates kid - she was wearing ripped, torn clothing of a casual kind, exposing scars and marks so bad she should be in an intensive care unit, from what he'd picked up from his mother.
She held out her hand in a friendly gesture and Sam, surprised by her, shook it. Lily's hand felt soft and warm- but her eyes were cold and hard.
"Sam Temple," he greeted, running a hand through his hair,"Are you from Coates?".
It was stupid, but he felt like he was prying.
"Nope. Not from Perdido either. Nice to meet you. We'd better go in, though," Lily smiled.
Lily slipped inside before Sam could question her further.
Drake let Caine introduce him, his eyes scanning the crowd for Lillian. Diana did the same, looking sort of awkward.
Jacky boy just pushed up his glasses and shifted around awkwardly at his introduction.
Lillian was the last to be introduced, as "Our.. new addition. Lilith or Lillian, Lily for short. And in short, don't mess with her."
That got the crowd grinning and hooting.
Drake smirked and crossed his arms. Diana, from Caine's right (Drake and Lily were on his left), smiled in a gesture of fake friendliness.
Caine seemed sure that the barrier would come down, while Drake wasn't so sure he wanted it too.
"I think Drake Merwin would be qualified to be a..sort of sheriff, to make sure rules are being followed. Lily here is very volatile- versatile and is honestly useful in whatever, so I'm sure she could help everyone here. Isn't that right, Lily?" Caine smirked.
Lillian wasn't one to be one-upped- she took the opportunity and addressed the crowd,"I'd be happy to help! Of course, I do understand if you wish to walk this road on your own, but honestly, we could do it better together. I must warn you, though, I'm a little unpredictable. I have a lot of natural gifts, though, so whether you need food, water, help with a problem or just company, I'm here!"
Lilith truly worked the crowd like magic. Drake wondered if that just a talent or something more "magical". Either way, it was met with a roar of applause and thanks.
Caine held a finger up and then nominated Sam to be fire chief.
Smart, get your competition out of the way.
Two siblings, Mary and John, were named as the caretakers for the younger children.
And it also looked like Drake was getting a team, including "Captain Orc", who didn't look happy about that. Caine wasn't backing down on this. Drake could almost touch the rising tension. Orc and another unimpressive kid with a bat stepped closer to Caine threateningly.
Drake didn't let his smile drop as he stepped straight into the conflict. Caine pulled up his power- what appeared to small earthquake hit, dislodging a crucifix which managed to hit a kid too slow to get out of the damn way. Drake fought the urge to grin.
Howard and Orc had practically raced to get out of its range, blind to the other boy.
"Praise Jesus," Lily muttered scathingly.
Drake didn't let his gaze drop from Orc.
Diana was smirking. Caine was looking bored and calling out for help.
"This is terrible. Lily, I would ask you for help, but of course you're drained. Anyone know first aid? Sam?" Caine asked coldly.
The crowd attempted to decipher Caine's use of "drained". One girl stepped up and began studying the injured Perdido kid- 'Cookie'.
Diana, Caine, Lily and he turned to leave.
Drake paused, halfway out, then spoke for the first time to Orc,"Oh, um, Captain Orc, line your uninjured people outside. We'll work out your duties."
He grinned and added a cheeeful ,'Later.'
Jack, apparently, didn't want to follow. Drake noticed as an afterthought and notified Lily, who told him to report to Caine that Sam was a "four-bar". She'd grasped the system easily. Drake had also finally gotten an answer -no, her power was not just replication. It just opened up more questions, really. Oh, Lily.

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