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Lily let a smile grace her lips as Astrid backed away in fear. The snooty blonde was murmuring some prayer and crossing herself.
Drake fired with the Glock. It missed, an inch away from Little Pete's head and embedded itself in the wall beside him. Drake cursed.

Lily's turn. Astrid turned to run, dragging her brother behind her. Lily blinked and they were suspended, unable to move of their own free will. Fools for believing they could run. Run and get away with it. Lilith laughed, a melodious sound that cut through the silence swiftly. Drake's own raucous laughter soon joined it, along with Astrid's muffled yelling and Little Pete's screeching, making a grating cacophony. Drake and Lily were deaf to it, pride and triumph clear in their voices.

  But another noise caught Lily's attention. A noise sounding a lot like one Sam Temple cursing. Another like Edilio Escobar shushing him. A final voice - Quinn Gaither muttering.
Drake caught Lily's eye and nodded, confirming the idiots stupid enough to rescue Astrid and her brother. Mostly Astrid, though.
Now what to do about it? Killing them would be too easy. Drake, from the way he clicked the safety on his Glock back on, seemed to agree.
The trio approached, drawn by Peter Ellison's screaming. Lily's plan was clear in her mind.
She extended her hand for Drake to give her his Glock and, giving him time to loop back and corner them, slowly rounded the corner.
Lily hadn't released her hold on the Elliot siblings, though. Sam, following the sound, almost smacked straight into her.

He'd accidentally given her a good target.
She flicked off the safety from pure muscle memory and pointed the gun at his chest, trigger ready. "Be a good boy and don't move," Lily ordered, voice switching to that seductress.
Quinn swore, one she actually hadn't heard before. Surprising. Lily knew no shortage of curses, but "motherbitchingwhoreshark" wasn't in her vocabulary, fortunately.
Edilio raised his palms. Sam stood stock still. Quinn swore again.

Lily made a mental note- Howard and Orc are never to be trusted again. Not that they really were, but still.

The trio hadn't yet realised their advantage - and Lily would use the time until they noticed to go deeper into that cave of power. She went down and down and down further, less light and more power, until she reached a figurative "gold mine" of energy. That would do. Now she had to drag it up with her. It didn't take long - around two minutes passed.

"Look, Lily. Put the gun down, give us Astrid and her brother and we'll go. No trouble, okay?" Edilio tried.
Lily cocked her head to the left, reminiscent of a fox, icy blonde hair shifting. Quinn's eyes followed the movement.
"Now why in hell would I want to do that?" she purred, eyes glittering darkly.

"We'll just forget this happened and walk away. No conflict, no carnage. Sound good?" Sam pleaded with the emotionless girl.
Said girl pretended to consider it, tapping a long nail against her right hand.
"Mmm. No thanks," Lily replied, ceasing the tapping. "I'd actually rather put my hand in a vat of acid than do that. Thanks for the offer though," she finished with a brittle smile.

Quinn cursed her - a vile, filthy word that spit from his mouth like acid - then realisation dawned on his face as the boy registered the danger he was currently in. To his credit, Quinn attempted to keep up a nonplussed facade. It didn't work.
"Where's Drake?" Sam asked cautiously, peering around the corridor as if the sadist was going to jump out from one of the many rooms and yell "Boo!".
Good question, Sam. Where is Drake?

"What's it to you?" Lily sighed. Sam truly had a one-track mind. Aside from his little fantasies involving Astrid of course. Ewww. Lily shuddered as she recalled "the dream". A power she had noticed was held by one Orsay Pettijohn, being able to enter another's dreams gave Lily an advantage. And also disgusting lingering images of said dreams. Ewwww.

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