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The darling of Perdido Beach followed the screaming to its source - the fire station.
A girl was attempting to crawl up its steps in vain. Sam, a Honduran kid named Edilio and Sam's weird ass friend Quinn were staring in horror. No wonder. The left side of the girl's face was dripping with fresh blood from a wound on her temple and she was desperately trying to get to Sam. Get to safety. Safety from who?

The answer revealed it self no later than thirty seconds after the girl- Bette - grasped Sam's arm. Orc and two of his cronies. One a Coates kid. Aluminium bats held by all.
The Coates kid spoke to Sam harshly. Orc's input followed soon after. They were, ah, 'dealing with her'. Oh, fuck no. Orc had stepped over the line now. Lily strode out before Sam got beaten or ran away.
"What the fuck?" Lily yelled at the trio of hell.
"Get the fuck away from them, Orc. I'm not warning you again."
Orc's eyes widened in fear and surprise.

Lily took the opportunity and summoned that distinctive blue flame again. Sam, Quinn and Edilio gaped. She rolled her eyes.
"Put that bat down and step the fuck away," Lillian commanded icily.
"You ain't Caine, why should we listen to you?" the Coates kid demanded.
Lily reached deep inside his pathetic excuse for a mind and pulled what she wanted from it.
"Because, Chaz, I'm going to kill you if you don't," Lilith replied mercilessly. She knew a blue glow was being emitted from her eyes- knew because she was making it happen.
Chaz stepped away nervously and all three lowered their bats.

"O-okay, Lily. We don't want any trouble, right? We're cool," Chaz stuttered.
Lily might have let them go. Might have been merciful- if not for the fact they'd given Bette brain damage. If not for the fact they challenged her, made her use that fire then backed away like cowards when confronted.
Her eyes hardened. She felt the presence of a crowd behind her. One unmistakable presence.Drake was ready to step in, but gave her space. Gave her time.

Lilith closed in on her hapless prey. Grinned like a shark. Laughed in a way that could only remind you of a hyena. Snarled like a wolf.
She ripped the bat from Orc's hand, concentrating her power and striking. The bat flew towards her and Lilith gripped it, eyes blazing red now. The crowd was practically cheering her on. Another kid, another bat until two lay on the ground and one in her hands.
From behind her, Drake laughed.

Three inches away from Orc, she stopped. The boy was the spitting image of a deer caught in headlights.
"Not so tough now," Lilith spat. Chaz whimpered. Karl and Chaz stood, rooted to the spot in fear. No. Not fear. Terror.
Lilith savoured it, drank in their fear greedily.
Lilith. Not Lily or Lillian or Lil. Lilith was consumed by bloodlust, consequences be damned. Orc went for her, his eyes burning. Lilith side stepped him, nimble as a matador, swift as an adder.

The aluminium bat in her hands felt right as she released Orc and struck his back. Hard. Oh, Lilith knew where to hit. She'd been hit like this before, after all. The memory of it infused her blow with that anger. Orc cried out in agony, begging for the torture to stop, but Lilith was unrelenting. Swing after swing after swing of the bat.
As her final blow hit, Lilith surveyed the damage. Beaten and bloody, Orc whimpered. But Lilith wasn't done yet.

One down, two to hurt. Lilith strode towards Chaz, her footsteps the only noise aside from Orc's pained cries. Chaz attempted to avenge Orc, going for her throat this time, but Lilith saw the move coming from miles away. She flipped him by his outstretched hand in a move so graceful it could practically be considered an art, then struck with her fists this time. Always hitting her target. Chaz looked defeated, resigned. Lilith was tempted to leave it at that, but this was fun.

She'd been spoiling for a fight for days now. Her pent-up anger was being released in a glorious display of bloodshed. The crowd was enamoured, her spell descending on them once again. Chaz's pleading eyes snapped to hers as Lilith released him and let him stand.
"Ready?" Lilith whispered in a sultry tone. Chaz squeezes his eyes shut and braced himself. Lilith started up again with a calculated blow to the legs, to get him down and pleading. Next, she swung the bat at his arm which covered his closed eyes. It made a sickening crunch as it connected. Chaz was praying now, praying to a god that didn't exist.

Whipped - Drake Merwin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now