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~~~~26 hours, 47 minutes~~~SAM~~~~

Caine will come tomorrow evening. It's an ego thing with him, I think," Sam said.

He hadn't told anyone about the Lily incident yet, not wanting to have false hope.
He also didn't want to start a war.

They held the final council of war in the church. The same church where Caine had carried out his smooth takeover.

The cross had been propped back up against the wall. It wasn't where it was supposed to be, but at least it wasn't on the floor anymore.      

From the Perdido Beach kids there were Sam, Astrid, Little Pete, Edilio, Dahra, Elwood, and Mother Mary. Albert had been invited, but he  was focusing on his plan for Thanksgiving, and on experimenting with the tortilla-burger.

Representing the Coates refugees were three girls: Dekka, little Brianna the Breeze, and Taylor.      

"Caine's a guy who needs to win. He needs to win before he poofs- if he doesn't know how to beat it already. The point is, he's not going to just accept us freeing all these kids from Coates and taking over Perdido Beach,"Sam said. "So we need to be ready. And we need to be ready for something else, too: tomorrow is my birthday.

He made a wry face. "Not a birthday I'm exactly looking forward to. But, anyway, we need to decide who takes over for me if I step outside."

Several of the kids made sympathetic or encouraging noises about how Sam maybe wasn't going to blink out, or maybe it would be a good thing, an escape from the FAYZ. But Sam hushed them all.    

  "Look, the good thing is, when I go, so does Caine. The bad thing is, that still leaves Drake and Diana and Lily and other bullies. Orc...well, we don't exactly know what's going on with him, but Howard's not with him. And Lana...we don't know what happened to her, whether she left or what."      

The loss of Lana was a serious blow. Every one of the Coates refugees adored her for the way she had healed their hands, just like they adored Lily for freeing them. And it was reassuring to think that Lana could heal anyone who was injured.      

Astrid said, "I nominate Edilio to take over know. Anyway, we need a number two, a vice president or vice mayor or whatever."      

Edilio did a double take, like Astrid must be talking about some other Edilio.

Then he said, "No way. Astrid's the smartest person here."  

"I have Little Pete to look after. Mary has to care for the prees and keep them out of harm's way. Dahra has responsibility for treating  anyone who gets hurt. Elwood has been so busy in the hospital with Dahra, he hasn't dealt with Caine or Drake or any of the Coates faction.  Edilio's been up against Orc and Drake. And he's always been brave and smart and able." She winked at Edilio, acknowledging his discomfort.      

"Right," Sam said. "So unless someone has an objection, that's the way it is. If I get hurt or I ditch, Edilio's in charge."      

"Respect to Edilio," Dekka said, "but he doesn't even have powers."      

"He has the power to earn trust and to come through when he has to," Astrid said.      

No one objected further.      

"Okay, then," Sam said. "We have our people in position and Edilio tells them when to go. Taylor, I know it's going to be boring for you,  and a little scary, too. Pick out a friend to go with you, trade off on sleep, but make sure one of you is awake the whole time. And keep  practicing. Breeze, your role is critical: you're our communications system once it starts. Dekka? As soon as we hear from Taylor, you and I move out."      

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