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The already-glimmering dress shone like sparks of fire in the lights of the McClub.
It pales only in comparison to Lily's shining dark hair, framing her face in soft waves.
She stood on a makeshift stage of tables and countertops, a microphone held in her left hand.

It didn't produce the best sound possible, but it was quite literally music to their ears- them being the kids that had bought their way into the McClub.
Albert's system of batteries, paper towels and toilet paper was working well so far - the club was packed full of dancing, singing kids.

Alt-pop, she believed, was the genre of the song. Starting with electronic backing and fast tempo, to ebullient, exuberant, yet haunting vocals. The lyrics were vulnerable but catchy, and it was clearly a song the "audience" knew - kids screamed and shouted along with her.

Dark, stunning makeup contrasted with her cherry red lips - everything was red tonight.
Lights blinded her and shouts deafened her, but for a rare moment...
She had fun. She was happy. She was making people happy.
The crowd danced with her, and and she swung her legs over a table to sit down.
Face to face with the kids, she hit a high note.

They seemed to be relating with the song a little too much, considering the dark lyrics hidden under a fast beat.
Lily pranced her way along a countertop, periodically stopping to sing to particular kids that caught her eye.
She held the mic out at times when she needed to catch her breath, and one song came after another and another and another.

Why had she been nervous again?

Lily subtly checked the time - when this song ended, she was due to go off.
She scanned the crowd - Albert had been checking the doors, but now...
His smile lit up the club.
She smiled back, as much as she could manage.

One of Albert's workers gave her the cue to step off. Albert himself extended a hand to help her down from the 'stage'.

"Thank you," she said sweetly after taking it. In his other hand was a water bottle that he passed to her with a conspirator's grin.

"How do you feel about being full time? Full disclosure: I don't think the kids will let you leave," Albert asked as she drank.

The water refreshed her, but the question nearly made her spit it out.
"It's yours if you want it," he smiled.
A few phrases in French tumbled out before she could control her excitement. "Oui, avec plaisir! Yes! Oh my god, yes!"

Albert laughed as she threw her arms around his neck. "Calm down, songbird. I have a feeling I'd be hanged by everyone here if I sent you away now."

"You're not wrong," Quinn said, just having stepped off the dance floor - he was a regular at the McClub. "Songbird? Like one of those birds, those uh, larks or something?"

"Lily Lark," Albert laughed along with Quinn.

Lily rolled her eyes fondly. "Careful, I might just consider flying away."

They all shared a laugh then, and for just a minute it was pure bliss.

Albert's appointed door security approached them with a grave face. Lily didn't hear the words exchanged, but now neither the guard nor Albert looked happy.

"Sorry, I've got to deal with this," Albert explained, rushing off.

She and Quinn watched him go.

"Want to dance?" Quinn asked her suddenly.

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