The Capture and Pregnancy?

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I wanted to leave forever. Just to walk away from everything. From the sadness, envy, jealousy, and most of all, anger .I already knew he wasn't mine, but I still hoped that something was there. Apparently there was nothing to begin with. As I walk I have no idea where I am going. I suddenly stop because I hear a twig snap.

As I turn around I see my attacker, but I stay there. I don't move at all. Not a single inch. I welcome my capturer with open arms, hoping that he would just take me away. Along with my emotions as well. He looks at me quizzically, seeing if this is an ambush. I feel completely numb.

I don't respond when he repeats a certain word, that I can't quit catch, several times. It's as if he is reciting something. As he says this word, I get extremely sleepy. As I'm tilting towards the Earth, I hear a voice that I know and loved.


Oh sweet life, why do you hate me so?
You have taken away all that I have loved and held dear, without even a second glance.
My heart can not keep up with all this rain of misery and heartache.
Take me into the land of dreams and surrender me to everlasting slumber.

Finally, my wish is granted whenever I am taken gladly into the arms of darkness. I am finally at peace, until I hear Damon's idiotic, annoyingly handsome voice again. I am not with my family yet, and I am not asleep. This is just darkness.

I know that I am in the arms of my attacker because they are not welcoming at all. Thank goodness I'm getting taken away from Damon at least.

As I come back to my senses, I notice that I'm not in the woods. I am locked up to a pole somewhere, with an unconscious Damon.

Serves you right. YOU ARE SUCH A-

My thoughts get cut off when Damon wakes up.

" Where are we?" Damon asks.

" Oh! We are in Brazil on a gondola, trying to get to the Atlantis. But it is rather difficult when we are at the top of the Eiffel tower that is hovering over the Statue of Liberty!"

Damon just looks at me like I am crazy, and maybe I am. When Damon is about to respond he is cut off by the door opening. I look over so that I don't have to look at the person I hate called Damon. The man that walks over to me is scruffy and, for lack of better words, is utterly disgusting. He comes over to me and kisses me. I start screaming, but I guess to him that means that I like it. He tries to deepen the kiss and I start to throw up. He lets go, finally getting the hint. When he does, I turn to the side and start throwing up.

From where I am I start to fall. At least the man had the slightest of decency of untying my hands to let me free. From under my curly hair I see Damon look at me with pity. I look away feeling ashamed, weak, and angry that Damon, of all people, looked at me with the same pity he shows his opponents before the final blow. Before anything else happens though, the man asks me a question.

" What is wrong with you? Are you pregnant or something?"

I look at Damon to see if he could help me out with the situation. Since he obviously can't say anything he gives me look that says one word that will help or defeat me.


" Yes. I am pregnant."

Before I could register anything though, I get slapped and kicked. I try to take a breath since the wind was knocked out of me but fail miserably. I'm wheezing and tears prickle from my swollen eyes. Damon is off in the corner trying to get out of the rope and screaming hateful things at the man pacing. I start coughing, and soon blood starts to come out of my mouth.

" How could you be pregnant?! The Everlasting won't like this. Who's the father?!"

" It's Damon. The one that is in here with us."

He gives me a look that scared me as he approached me. He comes back over and kicks me with so much force, that i hit the pillar that I was tied up to. He starts to leave and once he closes the door I crawl over to Damon. I start to untie his hands and he immediately engulfs me with a hug. I cry out in pain and more blood sprays out of my mouth. I lift up the shirt that someone must have put me in, and I see a black and blue bruise. I wipe my mouth with my sleeve and start laying on Damon exhausted. Even though I'm hurt I still ask him the question that has been bugging me.

" Why did you kiss her?"

I tried to say it with confidence but my voice cracks at the end. He looks at me and I can tell that I'm already not going to believe him right away.

" She came out of the tree line and kissed me. She put the handcuffs in my hand to restrain me, and once she let go of me I yelled for one of the guards to come and put her in handcuffs. By the time they had found my key to unlock the cuffs, you were already gone. I ran to the place I lost saw you, and I saw that someone had you. I followed him and told him to let you go, but someone showed up behind me and I blacked out."

I look at him sceptically. He turns me around so that I am facing him. He takes the rubber band that he always has for my hair, and puts my long, curly, red-brown hair into a sloppy bun. My hair is so thick that some of the strands don't fit. They fall evenly down my face, shaping it.

" You scared the living daylights out of me, Roza. I thought that I lost you, or you were going to get killed."

I only nod solemnly. I say something that might make a smile, even the smallest, appear on his horribly handsome face.

" Well... I can't stay mad at my baby's father forever."

He looks at me and smiles. His smile lights a fire in my stomach that I have longed for. It engulfs me in its sickly sweet flame, letting me know that I have caught ablaze.

" We're having a baby, Damon."

I can't help but giggle at the odd but delightful feeling of having a child with Damon.

" Yes, we are my Roza. We are having a baby."

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