The Trial

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On moment can mean life or death. An accidental slip of the tongue means that you have either failed or passed the trial. One slip can mean that you can either fly or plummet into the never ending darkness. Either way... A choice must be made. Your life may depend on it. But no matter what, you have the power over yourself. Not them. The choice is yours. So choose fast.

It is freezing. I look around frantically, taking a moment to understand my surroundings. I take a moment to breath in through my mouth and them let out a blood curdling scream. I check Damon's pulse to see if he is okay, let alone alive. I let a sigh escape my lips knowing that he is alive. I wince whenever I hear the constant stomping of my guards. Just as I am about to pass out from fatigue, I see my my friends, along with guards, rush over to me first. The girls tripping over their dresses.

" Make sure she's alive! I'm okay. Just make sure she is alive. Please."

I hear Damon's pleas mingled with mine. Both of us wanting for the other to be alright and alive. Although I am alright, I let out a choked sob. Relief rushes over me as soon as I hear his voice. But when I breath in I choke on my own blood. I start to gag while Damon is cursing everyone that didn't check on me. I listen to people talk while I am getting picked up and carried towards the infirmary.

" What's wrong? Is she okay?"

The women above me starts to speak.

" She may be suffering from internal bleeding. By the looks of the bruises on her ribcage and stomach... I'd say that that is the case. Something else is wrong though. I don't know what it is, but we have to move fast. She is extremely cold."

I start to fall asleep, and by the time I wake up I feel sore. I look around my room and I start to take out the I.V.s in my arm. I get dressed in black pants with a matching button up shirt. I throw on a black trench coat and head out. When I am out of my room I head downstairs into the dungeons that hold the prisoners. As soon as I go in I see Nathan in the first cell.

They must have gotten him whenever he came back. Damon probably arrested him.

" Get up, Nathan. Your going on trial today."

As I walk out I get wolf whistled. I hold my head up high, and swiftly turn.

" You, the vile men that are being revolting, should be thankful that you can still speak. Let alone be alive. For treason against the place you once called home... You will either have a death sentence or be in prison for the rest of your miserable lives. Nathan on the other hand will have a trial. If he ' accidentally' spills secrets about the Everlasting then he will be in prison. If not... Well... You won't be seeing much of him."

I look at all the faces in the cell, and they look slightly terrified. As I turn around I am met with the girl that kissed Damon. She is not in handcuffs, but two guards stand behind her. She looks at me and I stare back at her, she lifts her hand I raise mine into a fist. I swing as soon as she raises her hand back. My hand makes contact with her nose whenever hers hits my cheek. I hear a sickening yet satisfying crunch of her nose. Her nails dig into my skin, and I start punching her while she is punching me too. As we tumble onto the ground we start yelling at each other.

Suddenly I am pulled off her by familiar hands. I am still thrashing and screaming, though. She starts spitting at me, so I start cursing her name. Damon forcibly turns me away and makes me look at him, he then takes my chin and makes me kiss him. I am still thrashing but I soon stop, noticing his lips moving on mine. I notice sharp intakes of breath and gasps.

" Roza, I'm gonna need you to calm down. Everything is going to be okay."

I look at him through my eyelashes and inwardly sigh. I look at the bloody woman and groan aloud.

" Put her in handcuffs and take Nathan out of his cell. He is going on trial."

I take Damon's hand and start to walk away from the dungeon. As soon as we exit though, I am pushed up against the wall. I look up to see Damon. He has my hands held securely by his.

" What as gotten into you? Aren't you supposed to be in bed? I told the guards-"

I cut him off there.

" I am the Queen. I wouldn't have listened to them anyways."

He looks at me with concern. I am beyond livid with everyone. How could my own guard do this to the kingdom? How is the Everlasting ahead of us in this war? I look away from Damon and head towards my library. I need to be alone.

3 Hours Later

I stand at my throne with my guards at attention and Damon standing next to me. I hear the titter tatter of feet pounding on the ground. I stand up straighter and cross my right leg over my left. I wear my black outfit and the ' King's ' crown. Nathan steps into the throne room in handcuffs with five guards behind him. I look deep into his eyes and tap my fingernails against the gold of my throne. He looks at me with a sense of fear and knowing. I softly close my eyes and then, in a spilt second, I open them.

" Read the charges Damon."

" Nathan Lawrence. You are charged with assault, murder, and-"

" Treason. That alone should have you be killed. Murder... I guess that would mean a life sentence in prison. And assault on your own Queen? That would mean that I would leave you into a cell to rot. Me, being the gracious person that I am, has decided to give you two choices. But choose wisely, subject. Your life may depend on it."

I have risen from my seat and am now down the steps, in front of Nathan. Everyone has noticed my tone and body language change. I turn and everyone takes a step back.

" This trial is adjourned until further notice. I am making a statement towards the public."

I turn around and walk out without a second glance towards anyone. Even Damon.

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