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I walk out to see the sun shining brightly, its glow covering everything it touches. I hear the birds start to sing and the wind start to blow when the earth finds that its mother is safe. Damon comes running out of the place to come see me. I fall onto my knees as the realisation starts to set in. Thousands of my children got burned yesterday. Damon runs till he is in front of me, taking in my tearstained cheeks, that are now starting to burn. He collapses in front of me and engulfs me into his ams.

" Roza! My Roza, are you okay? Did they hurt you, or the children?"

Hearing him say ' children' causes more tears to burst from my eyes. I can smell my skin starting to burn as the tears become incredibly more hot. A scream escapes my lips without my permission and Damon turns towards me. He reaches up to wipe my tears, but they just burn his hands in the process.

Angelica and Elizabeth start to rush towards me now that I'm screaming from the pain, and the lose of my children. Their wings come out as one of them pick me up and fly back towards the castle.

When I wake up, I am in my bathtub that is filled with ice. I feel Ever sigh with longing, finally back in her 'habitat'. As I get out and dress I put on my black dress that has black roses and black jewels on it. As I walk out of my room I am greeted by my subjects and Angelica and Elizabeth, all dressed in white with one black rose each. They spilt down the middle to let me walk to the garden for the funeral.

After everyone leaves a rose at the biggest stone in the garden and eventually leaves, I kneel there just gazing at it. I go to leave, but I can't bring myself to move from the spot that I am in. I start screaming and cursing the names of anybody that I know. I take the roses, their thorns cutting and slicing up anything they can get a hold of , including my hands and dress. I rip them apart to scream and cry as the sun starts to fade, and rain clouds come.

I stay out there crying at the stone of my children, wishing that they were still here. The rain is coming down so hard that it feels like bullets and glass. Lighting is coming from every sort of direction and it's coming for me. Each time it strikes, it comes closer to me than before. I know that there is lighting because of my emotions. I hear footsteps coming towards me, and I see a light flicker. I turn to see fire and scream.

" No fire."

The person obviously doesn't here me because the fire is still on.


A lighting bolt strikes where the person is standing, but someone else moves him from getting hurt. I hear someone tell the man to leave, and then arms encircle me. My makeup is ruined, and now so is the person's shirt that I am cuddled up to. Damon. He holds me tighter and lets the rain fall on us. I scream and sob as he holds me through this. When I finally am able to move, Damon picks me up and carries me back to my room.

When I am in the bubble bath, Damon comes in. I look at him as he just stands by the door, looking out of my bathroom window at the storm outside. I look over at it too and another wave of tears appear. I look back at Damon, and he comes to sit beside me. I take his hand in mine while he softly cries with me.

" Why have they been killing our children? They did nothing wrong."

I squeeze Damon's hand tighter as I give him the only answer I can.

" Because I am their mother, and they see you as their father, so it is as if they are killing two birds with one stone, my love."

He gently nods and gets up. As he turns around, I get out and dress into my pajamas. When I am clothed, Damon comes in with the first aid kit to fix my hands that have cuts on them. He leaves again to go change into pajamas and to tell another guard to stand and watch outside my room. When he comes back in, he comes to bed and I curl up next to him. I fall asleep with the thought of my children back home with me.

When I awake Damon is there still right there beside me. I take my hand and gently stroke his face to wake him up.

" It is a new day, my love. We must prepare our battle strategy today."

He mumbles a yes and opens his eyes. When they see my face he turns us around so that he is on top of me, while I am beneath him. I laugh at him as he tries to kiss my, but fails each time I move. Finally I give up and let him kiss me. The kiss is long and passionate, without having to prove anything. It is filled with love and caring that I long for and need. When we break apart I am breathing heavily, and he is smiling. I laugh again at his stupidity and try to get up.

When I am able to sit up, Damon pulls me flush against him with my back against his front. He turns me around, and I look into his two different eye colors.

" I love you. my Roza."

I smile and kiss his lips again.

" And I you, my love."

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