Not Exactly what was Expected

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After Damon and I get dressed, we head over to the Royal room (room with the chairs) to discuss our new plan. I walk over to my throne and take a seat as my general, Elizabeth, Angelica, and Damon gather around the side of the table, their faces towards me. I cross one leg over the other and nod towards them to begin. My general, Imani, bows toward me and starts the planning.

Half an hour later the layout is set and I am bored, along with Elizabeth. I turn toward her and we both get ready to leave. I raise from my seat and tell them to continue on my way out of the room. I look back at Elizabeth and we both giggle as we run through the halls, passing people that greet us with friendly smiles. I go towards my family tree and press my family crest. We wait exactly five minutes for the secret entrance to open, and for Angelia to come.

I walk through cobwebs and turn down spiraling staircases to end at my secet library. I enter with Elizabeth and Angelica right behind me.

" Liz, can you tell Angel that it's not nice to earsdrop on me?"

I look at Liz pleadingly and turn to Angel with a playful glare. Liz simply just chuckles as Angel looks smug. She turns to Liz and starts to gossip about what she heard in the kingdom yesterday and today. Once she's done with that she looks at me expectantly.

" What?"

She smiles evilly before she speaks.

" I heard that you and Damon slept together... In the same bed!"

I laugh at her foolishness, and Liz turns. The sentence earning her attention.

" Ooooh. Do tell."

They both look at me with a glint in their eyes, urging me to tell them. I let out a loud sigh while smiling at them.

" Well... He got me back to sanity after my little fiasco in the garden. He carried me into my room to help me take a bath. And NO not in that way you little perverts."

I laugh at their dissopointed faces.

" He cried with me and wept over our children."

A gasp escapes their mouths when I say ' our'. I just smile at them and finish what I was saying.

" After he helped me clean up my wounds and we slept together in the same bed. In the morning he and I kissed and said I love you to each other."

My friends are now smiling a huge smile while I roll my eyes at them. By the time we are done talking it is eight o'clock at night. I go outside on my balcony tonight and gaze up at the stars and my babies. I hear a creak in my room and I know that nobody came in. When I am about to call for a guard a women appears into my view.

I raise an eyebrow as she just stares at me.

" My Queen, I hope you have a pleasant nights sleep"

I nod and she just walk out. I shake my head, trying to let the thought go. When I start to lay down Damon comes into the room already in his pajamas. Without saying a word he comes into bed. I lay on my side and he comes behind me and drapes his hand over me. I take his hand and start playing with his fingers, slowly dowsing off.

I awake to the smell of something burning. Out of instinct, I sit up with a scream without even opening my eyes. Damon jolts awake and he moves so that he is in front of me. I'm screaming and I can feel the room is heated, which isn't helping me. I let out an ear-peircing scream and the room instantly gets cold. I scream over and over, ' NO FIRE'. I can feel Damon shaking me, but I could care less.

Out of nowhere I hear a chuckle, and someone emerges into my view. Everlasting is right in front of me. I give him a glare before he speaks.

" Element. Didn't I tell you that I would find you? Anyways, your life is about to become a living hell."

I roll my eyes at him, and let my eyes roll in the back of my head. Escaping what I was just in.

When I open my eyes again there are guards surrounding me, with Damon in front of my face. He pulls me in a bone crushing hug, and I fold my arms over his shoulders and weep. Liz and Angel come running into the room and fly over the guards into my bed. The give me a knowing look, then a smirk at Damon who is nuzzling his head into my neck, kissing lightly hear and there.

When one of the guards come in I see someone that I never thought I would see again.

" Well Rose, I didn't know you moved on to someone else already."

I look at the person mortified that they found me, and angry at them.

" We were never together, Everlasting."

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