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I start to walk towards the doors with Damon's hand in mine. When I start to enter the door I see someone dressed in all black, trying to blend into the shadows of the trees. I noticely shudder at the thought of someone being near my kingdom and my trees. Damon stops for a moment to look at me, seeing that I stopped. He follows my gaze to the tree line and sees the person.

As if knowing that we are watching he turns his head towards us and lets out a creepy smile that sends a chill through the air. I take notice that the trees around him are getting covered in flames. This starts a sensation that burns run through me. Half, because it is fire and Evergreen(Ever) and I are connected so it burns. The other is because they are burning one of my many children. I can feel the tree die and weep, asking why?

Why am I burning, Mother? Did I do something wrong that made someone want to kill me?

I feel tears start to well up in my eyes as I watch her burn. I can feel the earth start to weep for its lost sister, knowing that we lost her. He starts another fire towards one beside her, and I feel the tears fall freely from my wide eyes. I feel the smoke engulf me in its unfriendly arms and they start to choke me. My skin is searing, and I can smell it baking. I look back over to the man and see that he is laughing at the agony he has caused me and my children. I croak one word.


He still stands there mocking me with his eyes.


I tun around and raise my hands into the air and scream at the top of my lungs. Everything stops and then I am enveloped into a hug by Ever. She pulls back and tears are pouring out of her eyes at an alarming rate.

" Did you see what they did? They hurt your child, Rose."

I nod solemly without looking into her eyes. She suddenley pulls out of the embrace and whispers words to me.

" They're coming, Rose. They know you are here. They know that you are Mother Nature. Make sure that they don't hurt anymore of our children, okay?"

I nod again and go back to reality. Everything is frozen for a second, and then everything moves in fast motion. I feel Damon tense next to me, and then the gates open up to show Nathan. I scowl at him before turning towards my people. They look frightened and scared. I turn towards Damon and smile sadly as his eyes widen. I switch in front of him and whisper quietly into his ear.

" Take them away, King"

I turn again to see his, and everyone else's,  wings alongate from their back. He turns my face back towards his and kisses me passionately. Our lips move in sync until I feel something cold peirce my skin. A gasp escapes my mouth and I pull back from Damon. A strangled cry comes from his lips as he looks down. I push him back and look into his eyes, telling him one thing with them.


He reluctantly lets go and flies away with the rest of the kingdom into oblivion.I look down again to see blood on my dress.

Great. Another beautiful dress ruined.

I feel myself fall backwards and hear the cries of the my people and the earth. I look up towards the sky to see dark clouds start to form around me. I feel the gently caress of water as it falls from the sky, letting me know that the heavens are weeping for me. A sigh escapes my lips as I look over to see people running towards me.

With the last of my strength I let my hand fall on the ground.

" Protect your brothers and sisters, my child. Don't let them take you or anyone else from each other. Do as I say, but do not go overboard, my child. Do not stoop to there level. I love you all."

The rain hits harder as the words leave my lips. They feel like bullets peircing my skin. I hear the men that are surrounding me scream because it hurts so bad. I smile sadly as I feel myself start to doze off. The grass that surrounds my is turning a dark brown, mingling with my blood. Suddenly I am engulfed by a cold feeling that overcomes my being. I am being held by Ever and she is weeping for me.

" It's okay, Ever. I am completely fine. It is just for about a day that I be 'dead'."

She is still crying though.

" I know, Rosey. Everyone knows, but it is still very dangerous for you to be in there by yourself."

I nod to her and allow myself to come back to reality.

I look up again to see that there is lightning coming from the sky, dagerously close to the men that are trying to take me.

" It is okay my child. Everything will be okay."

The lightning subsides, but there is still thunder. I close my eyes and have myself coated in thorn vines.

                                                                                        A Day Later

I feel my eyes snap open, but only to be able to see darkness. I let the thorns retract from around my and go back towards the earth. I whisper to the wind and ask for information, but get nothing. Irratated, I call for fireflies. As they come in from the barred window I get a glimpse of the room I am in. There is nothing in here except for the window and me.

Suddenly there is a burning flare in the corner of the room and a tree stands in its place. I feel an overwhelming warmth take over my body as the tree enlights in flames. I instantly start to cry as the he screams for my help.

Mom! I didn't do anything wrong, did I?! I'm so sorry for what I have done to anyone.

I rush over to him without thinking and hug him. The flames lick at my skin sending agonizing pain to my body. I don't let out a scream, though. They will not get that type, or any, form of satifactory from me. My tears fall freely to the ground as I try to comfort my burning child.

" It's okay my child. You did absolutely nothing to deserve this at all. I love. Just rest now, my child. Just rest."

I feel his ashes fall to the ground and I stand there, covered in them. Suddenly the whole room is covered in trees, bushes, flowers. Any form of nature you could think of stands in the room, drenched in gasoline. Before I can even blink, they are set ablaze. I hear them scream and cry in agony. Asking me on simple word that I do not have an answer for. Why?

I let out a scream that could burst anyone's eardrums within a ten mile radius. Finally the flames envelop me into there arms, but it has no affect on me. I feel my tears hit the ground but before they do, Ever freezes them all. I raise my hands as Ever tries to suck water out of the air to put out the fire. Since there is no moisture though, nothing happens. Before I pass out from the heat and smoke, someone comes in. I can only hear some of his words as I loose conciousness.

"... We told you, Rose. We are always watching. When you awake, the Everlasting will see you."

I pass out as the whole room gets dark.

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