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When we finally arrived at my front gates, there stood a young man. I could tell just by looking at him that he was the same age as me, twenty. Damon comes by my side and stands up straighter, all while taking my hand in his.

I look at Damon suspiciously. If he felt my eyes on him, he currently didn't seem fazed by them.

" 'My Queen and King'? So that's what they are calling you now, Rosemarie?"

My eyes widen at this. Not by the fact that Damon was called my King, but at the fact that remembered that voice.

"Alexander? Is that really you?"

I say this with so much joy in my voice, that it makes it sound fake.

I go in for a hug, but I am abruptly stopped by Damon. I look at him like he is crazy since I am his Highness.

"My, Roza? A word please, my love?"

I hesitantly follow him to our bushes along the passage way. Whenever I agreed he took my hand and started walking, looking back every now and then.

" What is the matter with you, Damon? I was just going to hug him. Why do you alway-"

I am cut off by Damon's fierce lips on mine. Although I am shocked and angry at him for cutting me off, I immediately respond. The kiss is full of love and anger, and something else. As we pull away for air, Damon says,

"Now he'll know not to touch you. Okay, Love?"

I look at him like he is crazy. I pull my hand back and with all my might, which is a lot, I slap him.
Once he recovers I pull him into a passionate kiss.

"One: You do not ever get to tell me what to do. Okay, Love? You're not King... Yet. And two: That is my father's closest friend's son. He won't hurt me by hugging him. AND three: We aren't even dating. It's not like you love me."

When I say the last part a look of longing and sadness pass over his eyes. I grab his hand and give it a gently loving kiss.

"Don't worry, Love. You'll always be with me because you're my friend and guard, so you'll always protect me no matter what.

As we make our way back to Alexander, I can't help but feel sad. I just lost my first kiss to the man I love, but I don't think he loves me back. And I can't help the feeling I got when he called my his.

I am longing for the time I will call him mine.

"My King"

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