I can never stay mad at her

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You found yourself staring in Xanxus's eyes as you lay on the bed.

"Eto... Xanxus.. Didn't you say the bed can fit two people ? I totally believe you so you need not put yourself in this very strange and very awkward position." You said as you looked at everything else but him as you felt heat slowly making its way up to your face.

Xanxus started to growl , he didn't like it when you played dumb or so he thought you were. "Don't play with me woman, I'm not in a good mood."

You lifted an eyebrow in annoyance , "You don't say?" You asked jokingly . He has a mood swing worst than a girl on her period... you thought to yourself.

"Woman..." He growled before continuing, " I'm serious You better not be falling for that piece of trash.." Xanxus said as he leaned in closer to you.

Falling for him? I just met him...

You scoffed, " Yeah I'm sure I'm the type of girl that believes in love at first sight and just gets sweep off her feet by a prince."

"Woman.. Don't test my patience... Don't get too comfortable with Squalo..." Xanxus said in a husky voice, once you felt his hot breath against your face, you started to realize how close both of you were.

"Alright I wouldn't dream of it , you know, if he was your boyfriend, all you had to do was tell me..." You said playfully. Xanxus calmed down at first upon hearing that you'd stay away but got distracted by the word you used on his relationship with Squalo, boyfriend...?! Before Xanxus could do anything, you took the opportunity to escape . You were in your fighting stance with your weapon, a silver rod with a blue crystal in the middle .

When Xanxus got onto his feet , you activated your weapon, it extended into a staff .

"I swear I'm not stealing Squalo from you.." You said steadying yourself, holding back your laughter.

Xanxus rolled his eyes, knowing that you were just teasing him, he would punish you for doing so but he was exhausted .As long as she gets what I mean .

Xanxus made his way to the door replaying the scene that occurred in your bedroom.

" Yeah I'm sure I'm the type of girl that believes in love at first sight and just gets sweep off her feet by a prince."

She never believed in love at first sight ...Plus how stupid that trash looked in front of her earlier, there was no way she would like someone like him... He thought shutting the door behind him.I can never stay mad at her ...

You sighed in relief.I can't believe it went according to plan.. You were expecting Xanxus to go on a rampage after that. Although you were still clueless by why he's being so controlling over you, you were glad that he wasn't mad anymore.

"and just gets sweep off her feet by a prince."

Then Xanxus thought about how you playfully bowed for Bel and played along with him.

Then your room door opened again, " Don't get too comfortable with Bel either.." Xanxus said growling at the thought of having two rivals .

" Aren't you being possessive ." You said smirking at Xanxus who just rolled his eyes, closing the door behind him.

I'll get you tomorrow (y/n) just you wait...

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