A king only bows down to his queen

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You squeezed your eyes shut ready to face the wrath of the drunk and tired Xanxus . But like Bester Xanxus did something you never would have expected, his lips went crashing down on yours causing your eyes to flutter open only to see Xanxus's closed. As every second passed, the kiss was deepened with Xanxus snaking an arm around your waist with the other on the wall supporting the weight of both of you. 
He must be drunk you thought to yourself , you tried to push Xanxus away with your right hand on his chest but the more you resisted, the harder Xanxus held onto you, exerting even more force to the kiss . 

You were running out of breath that you didn't have the strength to fight back anymore and it seemed like Xanxus was running out of breath too as he reluctantly pulled away very slowly. Both of you were panting heavily , trying to catch your breaths . You felt a blush creeping over your face as you noticed how Xanxus's hands were still in the position they were before and how he was gazing at you as he panted. He lowered his head , resting his forehead on your shoulder as he tried to catch his breath, hands around your waist began to tighten once more. 

"Eto Xanxus...." Just as you began to spoke, Xanxus had his lips pressed against your neck causing you to inhale sharply. "Xanxus I think you're drunk!" You exclaimed making Xanxus rise his head, looking at you in the eye he lifted an eyebrow as he spoke, " What makes you say that?" The room was too dark, you couldn't see the expression on his face. You took precaution in what you  said, he maybe drunk but after that sudden kiss theres no telling what he'd do when he's drunk.

"You're acting out of character...Like how you lowered your head when you.... The point is that you don't usually lower your head.." You said slowly as you thought of how he kissed your neck causing you to blush but all you got in reply was a chuckle . Xanxus could clearly see that you were blushing which amused him to no end. 

" A king only bows down to his queen." Xanxus said which got you thinking that it's true, there was a saying of this when it came to lionsand tigers, even Bester who never lowered his head except until Yuki... This is so messed up . You sighed pinching the bridge of your nose, god....
This doesn't change the fact that he's drunk, you convinced yourself , I should help him to his bed and let him sleep this off before anything else weird happens . 
You slung his arm around you walking him to bed. Xanxus gazed at you as you did so , he was amused . 

"You still think I'm drunk aren't you?"

"I'm sure of it..." 

"If I was drunk I won't be able to analyze the problem you are having, now would I?"

"The problem  I'm having?' You asked at you pulled the blanket of his bed .

Xanxus smirked as he replied, " Yeah... You're a terrible kisser." After that being said he chuckled.
You started to blush profusely as heat rushed up to your face.  You pushed him onto his bed with you staring down at him flustered with embarrassment.

Xanxus chuckled as he saw your blush, he just enjoyed teasing you so much. " Don't need to get all physical... I could give you lessons if you stay longer.." Xanxus said as he patted on the space of his king size bed.

" Go to sleep you drunktard!" You exclaimed quickly making your way to the door to see Yuki waiting there for you with Bester making his way to Xanxus.

You slammed the door behind you making your way to your room swiftly, shutting the door behind you. You slide down , back against the door . 
Why is my heart beating so fast?! He's drunk, that kiss didn't mean anything, snap out of it!

Xanxus lay on his bed smiling, he thought back of how much you blushed after he'd kissed you , how soft your lips were . 
She's irresistible.... I wouldn't have let it end with a kiss if I really was drunk now would I ? Xanxus thought to himself as he chuckled.

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