The confession

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You were greeting the guest that approached you , drinking a drink or two that they'd offer you . The red wine serving tonight is pretty strong, you thought to yourself as you felt a little hot and dizzy, you smiled politely excusing yourself from the group as you made your way to the balcony to get some fresh air .

As you made your way there, still not used to being in heels , you tripped over your own feet and the next thing you knew, you were too dizzy to regain your balance and soon found falling backwards. You braced yourself for the impact only to find yourself hitting against something or someone behind you . You turned around apologizing only to see that it was Xanxus smirking at you .

"You're drunk already ?" He asked playfully as he placed his hand around your waist , pulling you towards his chest, letting you lean for support .

"No ... Just need some fresh air ..." Xanxus chuckled as he shook his head saying ,"what would you have done without me ?"

" Obviously have fallen hard on my ass, it wouldn't be the first time ..." You muttered to yourself remembering how you weren't very good in heels .

"Must be a nice feeling ..." Xanxus said causing you to stare at him in confusion, my ass hurts and you say it's a nice feeling ?!

Xanxus started to smirk as he continued," I meant for the floor , to always be able to feel your ass, must feel as good as hell."

You rolled your eyes smacking him hard on the shoulder causing him to retreat his hand that was supporting yours as he laughed . You turned away to get the fresh air you needed to get rid of your dizziness and the blush you felt was rushing to your face. Dam that smooth talker you cursed to yourself .

Suddenly you felt a pair of hand snaking around your waist from behind you and a chin resting on your head .

"God Xanxs I feel dizzy enough ... I don't even know if I would be able to get out of bed tomorrow or just sleep the rest of the day off ..." You said sighing, not bothered to get out of Xanxus reach, no matter how you looked at it he has the upper hand tonight .

" you could always do both ...." Xanxus said in a low raspy voice , causing a shiver to go down your spine .

This time, interested you turned around to look at him, curious by what he meant by doing both... Xanxs smiled as he loosened his grip allowing you to turn around to face him , hand still around your waist .

"You could always get out of your bed and get in mine ." He said winking at you . You shook your head , you didn't know wether to smack him hard on the head or to laugh it off. What's up with him today ? He's become such a smooth talker . You felt hot breath against your lips causing you to snap out of your train of thoughts to see Xanxus leaning in .

"Xanxus ...." You said with your hand against his chest , adverting your gaze from him.

"(Y/n) chan.... Ti amo....." With that said you stared at Xanxus who gazed back at you .

Does she have nothing to say in reply to this ?! You opened your mouth but then closed you , you weren't sure how or what to reply. In fact, you don't know your feelings yourself, you have never gave thought about Xanxus liking you in this kind of way ... Neither him confessing....

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