I can't possibly have ...

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Xanxus shot everyone at sight in a cool and calm manner , an unreadable expression masking his face while you were swiftly hitting the targets on sight in a rather graceful manner .

"You've improved over the years bokuwa no (y/n) chan..." Kira said as he stared at how you fought ,still as beautiful and elegant he thought smiling to himself . Suddenly , he snapped out of his train of thoughts, dodging a bullet .

" stop calling her yours ! She's mine you bastard!" Xanxus said as he glared at Kira angrily , oblivious to everyone else about to attack him .

Once he noticed a few man were about to attack him , you were already by his side , injuring them in one swift motion .

"Focus on your enemy that has the biggest threat ! They could have injured you! Badly !" You said with your back against his, ready to leap into action .

" I did , that son of a bitch has the most interest in you, he's obviously the biggest threat !" Xanxus growled angrily as he shot some incoming opponents .

You sighed to yourself , unsure of how to answer him .

"Whatever... Just be careful ..." You said as you scanned your opponents , planning a strategy to take them down . Xanxus was taken a back as he stared at your back profile over his shoulders , even saying something like that can get my heart pumping this fast huh ...

"VOI !!! Attack them already !" A familiar voice you knew all too well echoed in the room . Squalo and the rest had made their way as they sprung into action defeating all enemies on sight .

Moment later Kira and a few of his comrades tried to flee from the area with Squalo and the rest chasing after them . You were injured , cut on the left arm thus Xanxus prevented you from going after Kira .

" this isn't a big deal ..." You said as Xanxus tied his tie around your injured wound .

"I'm not letting you go after that scum in this vulnerable state ...." He said staring at your body , where your dress was now even shorter than usual after being slashed by the enemies sword .

" don't you want to go after him ?" You questioned curiously , Xanxus was so pissed a moment ago ...

"It'll be a sin to leave you here vulnerable , looking like this ...who knows what some guy that see's you would do ..." Xanxus said as he bit his lower lips , lust filling his gaze . You shook your head as you rolled your eyes ,"I'm pretty sure no one in the right state of mind would think about something like that in a situation like this , where there's an assassin running loose ..."

"Really ? Well I'd love to prove you wrong ... " Xanxus said eyeing you up and down as a smirk began to form on his lips .

"Is that why you're still here ?" You scoffed as you tired to stand up with Xanxus supporting you by the arm just in case .

"Honestly ? I'm here for the rare chance of having such a good view ..." He said as he chuckled when he saw your deep blush under the brighter lighting .

You took a deep breath trying to regain your composure , what am I getting so nervous about ? He's just teasing me ... You tried to lighten the atmosphere as you thought of what to say .

"It's a good thing Squalo came just in time ..." You said casually as you were about to move away from Xanxus's arms .

But even before you could he grabbed your arm hard , causing a stinging pain going through your left arm .

"Hey ! That hurts!" You shouted at Xanxus who in one swift motion had you against the wall.

"How do you think I feel ?" Xanxus said in what seemed like a Voice filled with hurt as he adverted his gaze unsure how to face you after saying something so ..embarrassing .... Why am I always the one getting so worked up ?

Your warm hand was placed on Xanxus's cheek , causing his gaze to return to yours immediately . You felt really guilty for hurting him .

" I apologize , I really didn't mean to hurt you .. I just got nervous and didn't know what to say ... And well ..." You said unconsciously but unable to complete your sentence when you realized Xanxus's forehead on yours as he gazed Into your eyes .

Dam she's being so cute right now she's even admitting she's nervous ? You really don't know what you do to me sometimes (y/n) chan ...

You stared at Xanxus who had a gaze filled with affection and yet sadness . Why am I in pain when I see him like this ? I can't possibly ...

You squeezed your eyes shut, tightly as you let your hand fall . Xanxus stared at you intently , "what's wrong ?"

"This is just terrible ... I can't believe it ..." You said putting our face into your hands .

Xanxus stared at you worriedly . But within a second he had your hands pulled away from your face , allowing both of you to gaze into each other's eyes .

"Tell me what's wrong ...it can't be that bad ..." Xanxus said as he wrecked his brain thinking back but unable to find what may have caused you sudden unhappiness .

"It is that bad! It's horrifying !" You said adverting your gaze but only to have Xanxus pulled it back , "well I want to hear it ..." Xanxus said as he prepared himself .

"I think ... I'm in love with you ...." You said , Xanxus had his emotionless expression once more .

Then he started to process what you'd just said as he saw a smile playing on your lips .

Then a sudden rage filled him , " did you just say it was horrifying to be in love with me woman !!"

"Well I could make a list of reasons why I really hate you and it'd be longer than the Great Wall of China ." You said now in a playful voice .

"Woman ...don't test my patience ..."

"I'm serious, and if I had to make a list of reasons why I love you ... Well it'll be shorter than that temper of yours ..."

"I'm glad to hear that ..." Xanxus said with a smile

forming on his lips causing you to stare at him questioningly .

"all you had to write on that list of why you love me , is one word which explains why it's so short .. " you raised an eyebrow promoting him to go on .

"just write , 'everything ' " Xanxus said smirking .

"that was really smooth ...and fast ...." You said impressed by how fast and smooth Xanxus was . Suddenly you felt your feet off the ground causing to to gasps as Xanxus carried you bridal style .

"what are you doing ?!" You ask flushed with embarrassment .

"what does it look like ? I'm sweeping you off your feet ..." Xanxus said as he winked , carrying you to the medical area .

You were silent at a total loss of words , dam you Xanxus .

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