No matter what

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"Would you accept my feelings (y/n) chan?" Xanxus asked in a soft voice causing you to stare at him a little taken a back. It's been so long since you heard him use such a soothing voice, the last time you heard it was when both of you were kids.


"Do you really have to go ?" Your 8 year old self asked between tears.

Xanxus smile as he gave you a pat on the head causing you to gaze into his eyes. "We'll meet again, I'll make sure of it..." he said in a soothing voice.

You bit your lower and held onto his hand , bidding your silent good bye.

"I'll be back to make you mine.... No matter what..." Xanxus said as he gave you a kiss on your forehead causing you to blush.


Xanxus stared at you intently waiting for your reply, you took in a deep breath trying to calm yourself down. I was suppose to be thinking of a respond not day drraming you sighed and adverted your gaze. Xanxus lifted your chin , bringing your gaze back to his , You bit your lower lip unsure of what to do.

Xanxus leaned nearer to you as he whispered into your ear, "Honestly, I don't care if you accpet my feelings or not..." he said in a husky voice . You stared at him even as he retreated back , so why did he ask in the first place? Was this all a joke? You didn't know wether to be disappointed or relieved...

"I don't care because it doesn't really matter..." Xanxus said as he gazed at the beautiful night sky causing you to do the same just to avoid looking at anything but him. You saw a beautiful full moon, shimmering with scattered stars the sparkled complimenting the moon. As you gazed at the sky, you weren't aware of how Xanxus stole glances at you, admiring your beauty, how your hair shimmered under the light of the moon, how your eyes sparkled, how your face looked so soft. You were just so stunning tonight .... And so memerizing everyday...

You turned around to see Xanxus staring at you but you were too much in a good mood which caused you to smile at him. Xanxus swallowed a lump he felt in his throat , there it is again, my heart is racing as if I'm sprinting in a race...

" I don't care wether you love me or not, wether you'll accept my feelings or not cause I'll make sure you will matter what... " Xanxus said in a serious tone causing you to stare at him in surprise as you blushed all shades of red.

Then you saw Xanxus starting to smirk , " With the rate you're blushing , I'm very sure you'll fall for me ... or have you already?" Xanxus asked as he grabbed hold of your arm pulling you towards him. You attempted to push this arrogant little bastard away but Xanxus did something that made you stop .

He kissed yourt forehead.

"I'll make you mine and mine only.... You'll belong to me only ..." Xanxus said as he kissed your lips . He licked your lips demanding for an entrance but you refused out of shock of this sudden kiss. Xanxus bit hard on your lips causing you to gasps, slipping his tongue into your mouth , tongue entwinning with yours , he had an arm around your waist to pull you closer.

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