Chapter 1: Peaceful Mornings

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Huzzah! Welcome to the new and improved Googleplierxchild!reader!
I have remade this book because

1. I only had 7 chapters for the book. Which can be disappointing to some viewers.

2. I've spent these past months trying to learn what makes a book good. My paragraphs were very clumped up and unreadable.

3. I liked the concept, like the fact that it was a dystopian society, but I didn't mention anything about mysterious things outside of Google.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter! :p

Your body aches with pain as your stumble your way downstairs. The kitchen greets you with the hypnotic smell of eggs, bacon, sausage, and pancakes.

"Good morning, (y/n)."Google speaks with monotone in his deep pitched voice.

"Morning..." You mumble while trying to hide your agony.

"My calendar has reminded me that you have a party with Anna today."
Google sets his spatula down next to the pancake maker and swiftly lifts you up from your feet. You giggle in suprise when he gently pokes your stomach with curiosity.

"G-Google what are you doing?" You ask between fits of giggles.

"Scanning Complete. Pain in brachioradialis and left thigh." Google's eyes flashed red when he said that. You assumed it was because he was scanning you...or it could be because of something else.

"Yeah...I kind of slept the wrong way last night." Google rolls his eyes as you chuckle nervously.

"Just eat your food." He carries you over to the table and sets you down carefully. The plate was filled with all of the most wonderful breakfast foods existing on this Earth.
"Thanks, Bubby." You give him a gentle smile.

"It is my pleasure, (y/n) (l/n)."

A few minutes later, you managed to eat every last crump on that mountain of food. Google politely takes your plate away from the dining table and places it inside the dish washer.

You get up from the table and climb onto the couch to watch T.V.

As you were searching the many, many channels for good cartoons, an interesting commercial comes on.

A cheesy looking man with a yellow dress shirt and a purple polka dot tie 'greets' the viewers.

"Hello ladies and gentleman! I'm Kevin Brucive and today I will show you our company's new product."

The man pulls down a curtain to reveal several robots that looked very similar to dad. The man presses a button and all of their eyes light up red.

Google swipes the remote from your hand and changes the channel to 'Cartoon Network' as Teen Titans Go starts playing. The only show that hasn't ended since...forever.

"This is even worse, dad!" You pout while crossing your arms. Google shrugs and assumes that this was what children watched these days.

"(Y/n), w-would you l-like m-me to bring you appropriate clothes f-for this e-evening?" Google's voice box started to glitch throughout his question.
It scared you a little.

"Could I wear my fuzzy socks today?"

"Of course, Miss (l/n)."

He then leaves the room to retrieve the clothes.

Before he leaves your sight, you catch a glimpse of Google's eyes.

They were red. Full of anger and chaos that could kill thousands of humans in an instant. Not the eyes of a caring father.

Google returns to your attention with a pile of comfy clothes. A white shirt with stars and planets over them, gray sweatpants, and blue sneakers was the chosen outfit...along with the fuzzy socks with the cat face sewed onto them.

"Once you are done putting your clothes on, I will take you to your friend's house for the birthday party." Google states without emotion.

"Yay!" You cheer with delight as you pull the shirt over your head.

You finished putting on all of your clothes on. So, Google gets your mom's old car and drives to the party. The fact that the red in his eyes was still there gave you something else to worry about.

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